
My Dad's girlfriend wont get out of my business or room!?

by  |  earlier

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my dad and her have been together for about 5 years, only living with us though for 2 or 3. she has since gotten rid of my cat, and it went downhill from there. I put a lock on my bedroom door and she still gets in, re arranges things, takes my game systems and even my laptop in one case. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

I have talked with my dad about her staying out, but he doesnt listen to either of us anymore. just hopes it will get better on its own. it has gotten so extreme that I have boxed the majority of my room up and placed them in a storage room down the road. Im scared she will mess with the pets in my room, or get rid of them like she did with my cat. she has thrown my shoes and clothes into the yard, and when I didnt pick them up (my horse had temporary paralysis and I needed to get to the vet asap, excuse me) she BURIES THEM in the back yard!

however childish and wrong it may seem, I picked the lock to her door and threw her belongings in the back yard in our wasp invested bushes. I just want her out of my room, and a lock hasnt helped. what can I do about this? Im ready to buy a giant lizard, think that will work? joke...




  1. Good job. You do to her what she does to you, but 10x worse.

  2. What a ....not going to say it. Either way i would Get a better lock and have the only key, make sure you always lock the door and window! Otherwise get other family members involved such as your grandma or aunt tell them what she does! They might deal with it better!

  3. Find someone else to live with !! a mother,aunt grandmother,cousin,foster home,under a bridge,lol, any place would be better than where you are living now. Boy is she ever insecure !!!

  4. U can always talk with her about it... Or tell her to stay out of ur stuff cause it's not of her business.. Shes not dating u shes dating ur dad like that should be ur dad job for doing all that not her job I sooo would of yelled at her if that was me loL... Tell her straight that shes not ur mom and she cant do that to u.....  

  5. maybe u're room is dirty so she's cleaning it...and y so many pets in ur room?

  6. Sofia you are in a bit of a bind here.  If you are both being so d**n bull headed and immature as to attempt to ruin each other's belongings then it is going to be hard to repair.  If you believe that you two can have a good open minded and mature conversation then do attempt to have one with her.  Allow her to say what she has to say and you say what you have to say, both without getting overly emotional and/or hurtful.  By the sounds of it your father has buried his head regarding this subject and does not want to deal with this conflict.  So if you act as an adult and attempt to discuss things with her hopefully then she will begin treating you more adult like and show respect for your privacy and belongings.  It is never too late to get things back on track in a relationship and hopefully you two will be successful in doing so.  Best of luck.

  7. lock huh.  Try a deadbolt and you have the only key.  When they ask why you did that, say "because she's acting like an immature nutcase throwing my stuff into the backyard and I'm trying sick of trying to prove how immature it is by acting just like her, so this helps us both".

  8. Well, she has no right to intrude into your room let alone throw things out the window or snoop around. Why your dad allows that I don't know. I don't know how old you are. I guess as long as you live there you'll have to go with what they want. Is there any talking to her? Do you do things that make her suspicious? I'm sorry, sometimes adults just act like little kids and that's sad. I like the giant lizard idea.

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