
My Dad always tried to put me down?

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I dunno why he does this but it's really upsetting.

My uncles just came to visit and we've not seen him in about a year and my Dad walks in and says, Kirsty shouldn't you wash your hair or brush your teeth? when he knows that i have! it's soo annoying. i hate it, he never picks on my brother just me, he looks at me like im nothing and he's always putting me down although he really 'proud' of me..

why does he do this?




  1. sounds like your father is just joking with you.  When you were younger he would be able to walk up to you, pick you up and kiss you all over your face to show his affections.  Now that you're older, he really can't do that but he still wants to show his affections so he teases you.  

    Instead of being sensitive about it, laugh and joke back.  

  2. Sounds like he wants to show he has control or just drawing attention to you in a fatherly manner, it's embarrassing but he's totally in the dark!  Some men find it not so macho to be openly proud of their daughter without coming off as a fruit cake or something!  It's an awkward confusing show of affection. Next time tell him "yeah dad and I also  washed the floors, did all the laundry, cleaned the coals out of the fireplace and soon my prince will come!"

  3. Maybe your dad is so self-conscious about himself that he feels "picking" on you will take the attention off of himself.

  4. I know how you feel my father compares me to my cousins around my age in a way that puts me down too. I believe that your father may do this because he could be a little self-conscience about the way he looks.Maybe you should try to tell your father how you feel.  

  5. If he really does like you more than your bro its because he wants to be the best you can. He's just horrible at communicating that.

  6. It sounds like he has a serious emotional issue, maybe a problem with women. I would confront him about it in private and straight-up ask him why he feels the need to put you down in front of others. Cite a specific, memorable, example so he can't wriggle out of it. Get up and leave the room whenever he does it in the future. You deserve some respect.  

  7. maybe he is not trying to put you down, but in a very wrong way tell you that you need to excuse the adults and leave the room.

  8. You need to have a "sit down" and ask him.  Maybe he and his brother's want to say things that should not be said in front of his daughter.  No one on here knows why anyone else does anything.

  9. Overlook it. Easier said than done, I know but I've lived with my Dad doing the same thing for 25 years. His fav is my sister, who does NO wrong, and it's sickening. I'm learning to move on with my life and ignore his bs, raise my kids and love my husband. That's all you can do, is go on with your life. If you still live at home it's a little different; just plow on and IGNORE stupid little comments. Do what you're supposed to and soon enough you'll be on your own. When he & you don't have a close relationship later on in life due to his picking on you all the time, hopefully he will be sorry. I know this sounds harsh but you can't change a person's behavior, especially a parents. You just have to "live around" the way they act and try not to let it get you down. Good luck, hope this helps! :0)

  10. if you don't like it

    tell him very clearly and strongly that you hate it, and it would be best if he stops before you really start to resent him  

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