
My Dad has this smoking habit...?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'm 13. And in 1st grade i saw my parents smoking. My mom quit, but my dad is horrible. He hides it from us, but my older brother has caught him, and we have found packs of cigarettes hidden from us to see. Now, I am EXTREMELY opposed to smoking (don't be offended) because i'm allergic to the smoke. And I know he would be heartbroken if I knew, but I must say I love him less and less every time i find a pack of cigarettes. I know its hear to stop, but it really bugs me, and i don't know how to tell him. Any help?




  1. Congratulations on your mom for quitting.  For your dad, tell him that if he keeps it up, you are going to disown him.  And during the night when he is sleeping or better yet, when he is not home, do a full house search, and the cigarettes you find, build a fire in the fireplace, and throw all the cigarettes into the fire.  And when he is sleeping, find his keys and search his car for more cigarettes and destroy them.  If your dad gets cancer, heart disease or other health issues, do not feel bad for him.  Be happy.  It is his fault.  

  2. You don't tell him anything. He's the adult, you're the kid. Kids don't tell adults what they should do. If my sister and I did that, it was belt time. That was called disrespecting your parents.

    How would you like your kids telling you what you should do? You better think really hard about this one.  

  3. you should just tell him how you feel about him smoking and what it can do his health. smoking is bad for both smokers and non smokers please don't pick up on your dad's bad habit. but i think you should talk to him and to your mom about it and how it makes you feel about him smoking. good luck to you  

  4. just be honest with your dad with your feelings, don't hesitate or shy to express yourself completely, otherwise they may lack to get you properly

    good luck

  5. Love him unconditionally. He doesn't love you any less when you do the wrong thing so don't let your love diminish just because he smokes.  Don't play games and hide the fact that you know. Ask him to stop smoking.  

  6. write him a very heart felt letter.... there is medication he can get at the drug store to help and his Dr. can even write a prescription to help out.

  7. He's the father...your the daughter.

    Just tell him you wish he would quit smoking. You father isn't horrible...he is addicted to cigarettes. Does he love you less and less when you do something wrong?  

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