
My Dad is abusive? Seriously...?

by  |  earlier

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Well, he hits me and my little sister, a lot. For no reason, he somes home from work yells at us, hits us, and then goes to bed, then a couple hours later goes to a night club....I'm a guy and 16, and my sister is 14, he hits her so hard, and wen i tell him to stop hitting her he hits me....

While he was at the night club my sister and I took our cellphones and laptop, and a couple other things and we went to sleep over a friends house, cuz their parents are going to be gone for about a week

I dont really care that he hits me, i deal with it, i dont cry, i care more about my sister,

Our mom died a wen i was 9, and thats wen all this started, my sister is afraid to go home after school, she doesnt want to be home, she would rather sleep at the park...What should I do, i dont want to tell the police...

Thanks in advance




  1. Maybe you should tell a school counselor. You are not doing yourself or your sister any good by staying in this situation. Five years of this has to be taking a toll on the both of you.

    It sounds like your dad could use some counseling too.


  2. YOU NEED TO TELL THE POLICE! even if you don't want to. If you really, truly love your sister, you will tell the police. Once you are with them, he CAN'T hurt you! And i can tell you obviously do love your sister, and I'm very sorry about your mother dying. This is the only smart thing to do. As soon as possible, get your sister and go to the police.

  3. If you love your sister, and I believe you do, you have to dial 9ll and tell them that you or your sister is being abused.  Does he leave bruises on either of you?  For the police will want to see the bruises.

    If he hits either of you with his hand open out, that general will not leave a bruise but a red place.  It that is the case, call 911 immediately so when the police get there the red marks will still be showing.

    You kids cannot go on living like this and being afraid.  It is not a normal way to live.  This is what is called child abuse.


  4. WOW that is really an awful situation that you guys are in.  You need to tell your school guidence counselor or a trusted teacher.  They can help get your family the help that you need.  Nobody should have to live like that.  

  5. Contact childline, you both need to get away from him. Tell your friends mum or family. Go anywhere but take you and your lil sister away from him. Here is the website, I hope they can help you

    Please don't keep on suffering. You need to do this for both of you

  6. call the police or secret witness, secret witness would be better because they dont tell him who told you need to tell someone

  7. you have to tell the police.

    Its a problem and it could get worse for her.

    get off the computer and make the call

  8. What he is doing is illegal and wrong - call the police immediately - tell a friends parents, family friend, neighbor, anyone who is able to help you and bring you to the police....

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