Hi all,
Recently my Dad loaned out my room, and I like to frequently m********e in there by setting a towel on my bed and going to town. The blankets havent been changed, and its gonna kinda be hard to do with him being around so much. I have had a slight amount of s***n around my room, but I used a kitchen cleaner to rid my room of them. I have been doing the whole towel masturbation for about 4 months at this point. I sleep on the couch.
Should I be worried if she ends up using my s***n soaked (its not really soaked, just probably some direct contamination) blankets for a while?
Also, should I worry about touching things throughout the house after she does seeing as I know she will have my old seed on them?
I just feel bad about her having to be kinda technically covered with my, well, you know.
Any help would be great.