
My Dad said something that made me feel uncomfortable..?

by  |  earlier

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ive been a bit lazy lately but im on holiday so i think i deserve to relax a bit. my dad was telling me off about that and he said.."what you really need is a bare bottom spanking" it sounded a lot worse because it wasnt in english. i'm 20 yrs old so i dont think this is right. should i move out? i cant even look him in the eye anymore. it feels too weird. why would he say that? was he joking? or is he attracted to me? i feel disgusted just typing this.




  1. yh he should not say this to u after all u r his daughter i would say not to avoid neither wait until he say more bad to u my advise is to tell ur mom so he can tell him this is not the way to talk to ur daughter.and care full with ur dad on a safe side dont take it too personal he might be kidding but its odd.


  2. Doesn't sound all that bad to me, he was just trying to tell you to get off your *** and do something. When your young is the best time to go out and make money, why waste your time doing nothing ?

  3. If my dad had said something like that to me it would have not bothered me at all because I know that he wouldn't have meant it in a sexual way.  If your father has never been sexual towards you then I dont think he meant it that way, but if it made you that uncomfortable then maybe you need to move.

  4. Ok calm down, I am going to assume that you were spanked bare bottom as a child when reasoning didn't work you were spanked. Well, I am going to guess that he was frustrated with you and spanking worked when you were little. He didn't mean it literally what he was trying to make you realize how irritated or frustrated he was. That is all. At least that is what I believe happend....don't worry I don't think your dad is a perv.

  5. uh he was just kidding! dont take things so serious! if hes never been out of the way befor then CHILL OUT!

  6. I can see why you were's just that it feels...I don't know, inappropriate somehow.  But it's not how he meant it, I'm quite sure...he was just trying to get a point across because a spanking on a bare bottom obviously hurts worse than one with you wearing jeans or something to shield you from some of the pain.  

    He's ticked.  Just try to show him that while you want to relax on your holiday, it doesn't mean that you won't help out with things...pitch in a bit.  You are on holiday but you're also 20 and he's still supporting you so you should probably do what you can to help out a bit while still scheduling relaxing time...

  7. i think you're just overreacting. that's really not anything worth moving out of the house for. he probably just said that because you've been doing nothing lately. you said so yourself that you were being lazy so he was probably just a little pissed at you. maybe you should try doing something around the house so he will realize that you're not being too much of a couch potato!

  8. At 20 yrs of age, you should know that he was trying to say that you needed to be disciplined. You blew it way out of porportion. Probally one of the reasons he said that. If he hasn't done anything to you by now, I doubt he will ever. Relax and grow up.

  9. Why don't you just ask him what he meant? It sure beats guessing or having strangers guess for you.

  10. i mean did he say like in a provocative way or was it like in a stern "DAD" kinda sounds me like he was joking but i wasn't there to hear the way it was said..but seeing as he is your Dad i think he was just playing around!!! but if he did mean it in a kinky kinda way, yes i would move out...


  11. My guess was it was just, more or less, a joke.  I tell my kids that if they don't do what I tell them that I'm gonna chase them around and hit them with a plastic wiffleball bat or poke them with a sharp, pointy stick.  Mabe there are other things that he's said or done that would creep you out and this is just adding to it.  On face value I'd say get over it and laugh it off as something stupid your dad said.  I say stupid things all the time.

  12. I don't think he was joking and I don't think he meant it in any other way than to let you know that you need a good kick in the butt.  MY mother used to say "I'll smash your liver" or "I'll break both your legs".  Of course she meant neither literally, just that I needed more discipline, or, a good spanking.  By saying it that way, it was a bit more meaningful than saying "you need a good spanking", and, like others have said, bare bottomed hurts more than with jeans on.  A very long time ago, some parents would to say "I oughta take you out to the woodshed", because years and years ago - that's where the spanking occurred - with pants down, over the parent's knee, with a wooden spoon or a belt.   And just saying those words would instill the fear needed to stop the offending behavior.  So, your dad was letting you know that he's really ticked at your laziness.  Take the hint, get off your butt and stop lazing around.

  13. Maybe he knew you would be upset over it and wants you to move out!!! lol Sorry, I really don't think it means much.  He's  your dad.  I've never looked at my dad in a sexual way, therefore, I don't interpret the things he says to me in a sexual way.    

  14. I would move out. I don't know why he would of said that to you but it defiantly wasn't right.  I don't know if he was joking because I don't know your father but even if he was it is totally inappropriate to say something like that to his daughter.    

  15. In my opinion:

    He hugely overstepped the line.  That was a disgusting thing he said. You need to talk to him, calmly. You're an adult. Weather he was joking is not the issue. Maybe he didn't see it as offensive, maybe he's just that dumb, but he needs to know that you are deeply offennded by this.

  16. You're definately taking it too serious.  

  17. i am still level one but go with pregnant mommy ....

    see we as the viewers can't say much from this ... this is my view. I mean it all depends on how you dad has treated you overthe years rather on time ... these times can be real streessful for them coz i go through it aswell and of chance your dad was abit not like say normal dads then rather yahoo A, maybe talking to best mates that know you and your family situation well to give your a advise and ask afew not just one. I can def see you might be overwhelmed and worrying on not making the wrong desicion .... so gd luck

  18. You probably do deserve a good bare bottom spanking. We're about the same age and I get it. You wouldnt be the only 20 year old with a sore bottom and it might do you a lot of good.

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