
My Dad says I am dumb for wenting this in life n that i never do it?

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You tell me what u think

My dream for life is this

Fishning high school and in 10th grade goin to vo-tech to become a nurse assit (which after high school i can get a job starting at like 12 dollors and hout)

Getting married To The boi i am with right now

Starting a family with him

(hopefully 1 girl and 1 boy is what im hoping for)

Nameing the girl Augusta

Nameing the boy after his daddy

Maybe thinking about being a foster care mommy ( Been in foster care and would love to help kids out in need)

starting my own thing for kids/ teens to come to and talk to when they need someone to talk to and dont know where to trun to

maybe after all sattle after im 18 maybe not sure yet moveing out of state....

theres alot more i wanna do

but those r some of the main things

so what do u people think are my dreams something nice? or are they dumb?? I wanna know bc i love what i have planed for life but my dad dont is there anything matter with what i wanna do?




  1. Well, finishing high school in 2 years is very very very seems like if you're working that hard in high school, why not continue through a real college where you can get a job starting at higher than $12/hr? My girlfriend went to college for 4 years, and she started her very first job at nearly $20/hr...and she doesn't have to deal with blood, urine, or fesces.

  2. That is fine for starters but hold back on the marriage and kids  enjoy life first because once you have them  you give up everything for them if you are a good parent. And think about being an RN if you enjoy the nurse assistant because you think $12 is good?? try over $60 an hour or more if you are an RN. Fostering is great I have done it for over 25 years and helping kids is wonderful. but trying to plan your life that far ahead could set you up for some disappointments if it doesn't go the way you would like. and life rarely goes as planned. Set short term goals and reach those first and put the big ones like marriage and kids farther down the list.

  3. I thinks it's going to be hard being married and raising two kids on $12/hr. And I also think it's a little unreasonable to want to marry your high school sweetheart. That kind of thing almost never works out.

    I would suggest pushing back getting married and having kids until later in life.

    I love the idea of starting a center for teens in need. And I also love the idea of being a foster parent (that's what I plan to do).

    I think that it's important for you to remember that as you grow and mature, you will change and your plans will change. You are still young! Remain flexible, keep your options open. You don't even know what life has in store for you yet!

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