
My Daughter is 20 months and she cannot speak a single word or called me Mama?

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My daughter is 20 months old and is can't utter a single word. Not even Papa or mama??? She like to use sign languages and get frustrated if we do not understand her. Any ideas how to make her speak??? I am quite worried.




  1. I would take her to a doctor.  You should have her ears checked by a specialist.  A lot of speech delays are related to hearing deficits.

  2. all children develop differently, that being said, you should discuss w/ your doctor and do have her hearing tested, good suggestion.

    also, look into your local birth to three services and have her evaluated by a speech and language therapist.  it couldn't do any harm to cover all your bases.

    hope that helps! good luck!

  3. all children devolop speech at different times


    18 to 24 months

        * says some 2 word sentences such as "more milk", "all gone", "me go"

        * asks for a cookie or toy

        * says "whatssat" a lot at about age 2

        * understands "where is mommy/daddy?"

        * understands simple directions "get your coat"

        * understands more words than can speak/say

    warning signs

        * does your child use more gestures than words?

        * are you concerned about your child's ability to talk and/or understand?

    18 - 23 months   Yes   No

    Enjoys being read to. ___ ___

    Follows simple commands without gestures. ___ ___

    Points to simple body parts such as "nose." ___ ___

    Understands simple verbs such as "eat," "sleep." ___ ___

    Correctly pronounces most vowels and n, m, p, h, especially in the beginning of syllables and short words. Also begins to use other speech sounds. ___ ___

    Says 8 to 10 words (pronunciation may still be unclear). ___ ___

    Asks for common foods by name. ___ ___

    Makes animal sounds such as "moo." ___ ___

    Starting to combine words such as "more milk." ___ ___

    Begins to use pronouns such as "mine." ___ ___

  5. well i would take to a specialist but just repete everything to her and incourage her to repete and good luck

  6. Did your daughter ever speak then stop??

    Does she understand what you ask of her (putting stuff away, drinks on the table etc)??

    My son is 19 months and all he says is no in grunt form and mama, but only when he wants. If we push he grins and says even less (hard to believe, but true). I took him to be evaluated by our child health nurse at 17 months as I was worried and she said that as long as he understands what I am saying (depending on level of development) and can recognise things in pictures, on tv and gets excited when both of us realise he is trying to communicate (albeit in a very frustrating way) about things then he was on track and probably spent a good deal of his developmental milestones to date in Doing rather that saying.

    I would take her and get her assessed just in case she has a hearing deficit or actual speaking problem like tongue tie.

  7. I highly suggest you 1) have a full audiological (hearing) evaluation conducted and 2) send her to get tested for a speech delay. If she's using gestures, that could mean various things. Since I don't know your child, I cannot make a 'diagnosis.' But a 20-month-old generally has a vocabulary of 20 words and uses the single words frequently, while attempting to produce two-word phrases. I can send you a list of strategies on what you can do at home in order to attempt to stimulate your daughter's language. Please feel free to contact me.

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