
My Daughter is 31mths and she was breast feed up to 16mths. She had cows milk from 13 mths ?

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My Daughter is 31mths and she was breast feed up to 16mths. She had cows milk from 13 mths

I cant keep cows milk down at all so a friend told me to try Soya milk which is fantastic.

My daughter has also started drinking it and enjoys it fresh or in porridge.

I guess what i'm asking is can Soya milk be used as an alternative to cows milk for children of over 12mths or does it not have any heath benefits?




  1. Soya, like anything should be consumed in moderation. It has high estrogen properties, which some people believe contributes to premature maturity. But like I said, in moderation it is fine, just like everything else.

    Some other cows milk alternatives are almond milk, rice milk and goats milk- the latter two might be a good option to try also.

    We dont drink cows milk either, and my daughter switches between soya and goats milk, both of which she loves.

    Just remember, drinking the milk of another species is not 'normal' animal behaviour, and is something that humans started late in civilisation. So don't worry about her having health implications from not drinking it, as we were never intended to consume it in the first place!

    Well done for breastfeeding as long as you did also, as that IS the milk that we were intended to drink!

  2. Soya milk is fine, my son has quite rashy skin and we found cutting out dairy helped and he went onto soya at 15months old. He's grown into a healthy 5 year old boy and actually can now handle cows milk, but still prefers soya.

    If yu have any worries just pop and see the health visator or the doctor for reassurance

  3. it can be used now that she is over 12 months, but also on the other hand cows milk has certain benefits that your daughter still needs at this time, try both, also if she is on solids soy milk is fine if she is relying heavuly on milk only then stay with the cows milk

  4. I was raised on soya milk because of lactose intolerance. It's perfectly healthy. There's also a "milk" out there called "Milnot" (or at least there used to be.)

    Your daughter is not a calf; there's nothing inherently "perfect" about cow's milk for human beings.

    You might try goat's milk if you still think animal milk is better than soy.

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