
My Direct TV HD DVR Keeps s******g up.?

by  |  earlier

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okay My direct HD DVR MUST love the Bermeuda triangle because it seems to go there when i tell it to go to a channel we have. cause it will flip and go to black then wont even listen to any command you give it. Im starting to think the best way to fix it is to drag it out back and make it go the way of old yeller. TIVO IS MUCH BETTER DONT GET DIRECT TV DVRS




  1. ok, so i have have no answer...but i agree!  NO DVR from DIRECT TV!  my moms system is doing the same thing!!!!!!  it is so aggrevating... i had several of my own sets of shows on there, and plenty of movies and my moms shows and all that!!!!!  it makes me angry, but its been doing this for months now and DIRECT TV says they dont know how to fix it! and they are only giving her $5 off per month!!!!!!!!!  its like $180 bills....

  2. Ya, well I would recommend Directv HD DVR because I have one and never had problems, but as with any newer complicated HD technology equipment - I'm sure there are faulty ones, which is why they offer a service plan to either fix or replace them.  You apparently didn't get that, so either buy another one or get a Tivo since you like it better.

    When they're new they usually need to be reset a couple times, and then occasionally after that, or unplug and then let it reboot and load everything back up.  Also, make sure your remote has fresh batteries.

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