
My Doctor is thinking of putting me on Lithium. Has anyone been on it and can tell me if it's good or bad?

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My Doctor is thinking of putting me on Lithium. Has anyone been on it and can tell me if it's good or bad?




  1. Lithium is an ion (similar to potassium or sodium) that is sometimes found in drinking water. It is used as a 'mood stabilizer' for the treatment of Bipolar disorder and Schizoaffective disorder. It can also be used to treat depression that is resistant to normal antidepressant medications. Lithium will help keep people feeling normal by preventing episodes of depression and mania.

    Most people tolerate Lithium fairly well, it can be a fit sedating and cause a mild tremor. It does require monitoring of blood  levels so you'll have to get your blood drawn from time to time. Lithium is dangerous in overdose so its important not to get dehydrated or take too much. Long term side effects of lithium include thyroid and kidney problems.

    There are definately long term side effects to be cautious of, but for people with severe mental illness it can really be an amazing medication, helping many people lead fairly normal lives.

  2. Lithium is some sort of iron, you may have an iron deficiency if you require Lithium meds.

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