
My Doctor molested me?

by  |  earlier

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Please help me. My Doctor did something terrible to me and I don't know what to do, I don't think anyone will believe me and we live in a small village. I feel sick every time I think of what he did to me.




  1. Report it immediately.  I was molested by a chiropractor at age 18--and I did not report it because at the time I wasn't sure what was going on, was very naive--I had no idea how to handle men, and being raised in a very strict religious cult, I had been taught to "obey authority", keep my mouth shut, and had no idea how to stand up for myself.  The psychological affects of the molestation have been devastating, and 20+ years later, I am still suffering for it.  This doctor that did whatever he did to you--if it made you uncomfortable and/or you felt you were being violated, then he overstepped his ethical boundaries severely.  He betrayed your trust and your vulnerability as a patient. Report him before the statute of limitations is up--I strongly advise you to do this.

  2. if your clitoris was touched, you were molested.
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