
My Dog Ate Less Than Half A Chocolate Coated Flapjack. Will He Be Okay? ?

by Guest57328  |  earlier

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I Have a thirteen week old springer spaniel puppy he ate less thanhalf of a chocolate coated flapjack s he going to be ok?




  1. Everybody calm down! He'll be fine. Just keep an eye on him. If he starts to look and feel sick, then take him to a vet.

    Mean while, you can call up your vet and tell them your dog ate less than a half of chocolate coated flapjack. Your vet will either say, bring him in, or he'll be fine.

    Don't worry, your dog will be fine! It's really nothing to be worried about!

    Unless you see him feeling sick. Then something is wrong. But if he isn't acting up, then he's fine.

    Good luck and I hope your dog is ok!

  2. Since I read that chocolate is an accumulative poison, it will depend on your dog, it's size and how much it has had in the past.  Call your vet.  Be more careful.  This could be a contributing dose or the final dose.

  3. He will be ok, just keep an eye on him.

  4. maybe call a vet tell him what happened and she will tell you what to do. My old dog jumped and got my Reese's pieces and he was fine he just had diehrea!

  5. take to the vet incase

  6. he will be ok. just keep a eye on him.

  7. Chocolate is never good for a dog even for a young one.  Take him to the vet right away and ask her what you should do for your dog.  But if he does turn out okay after a few days keep chocolate away even one hershey's kiss is a toxic intake for a dog.  So keep it away from him.  But take the poor little guy to the vet NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. he should be ok, just keep an eye on him. He might have an upset stomach so he might need to go out side a little bit more often

  9. well if that is dog food of course he will b ok just might not b hungry so much but if its human food he can get sick because half the food we eat is poisons to pets so make sure u cheak up on ur dog once in a while a dont worry

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