
My Dog May Be In Labor?

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shes in week 8 (53 days) and she is ver uncomfortable and she pooped some watery stuff 2day and shes just layin here so wat should i do??




  1. If she is at only 53 days, she is way too early. Take her to the vet if you really believe she is experiencing labor.  

  2. A RESPONSIBLE breeder would go to a vet.  The RESPONSIBLE breeder knows this is NOT normal, and also knows that 53 days is too early.

  3. you should get off the computer and ring the vet....

  4. just take her to the vet they know  

  5. lay down a towel shes gonna give birth

  6. she mit be when there 8-9weeks there in labor

  7. Call your vet and ask him?  

  8. Why are you breeding your dog if you don't know what to do?  Why haven't you done any research on this?

    Please call your vet immediately for advice.

  9. At 53 days, let's hope not.  It isn't unusual for b*tches to have diarrhea, upset tummies etc... this close to whelping.  But if she is only 53 days along, the pups aren't full grown yet.  She may have complications (a placenta may have detached). Do you have a reproduction specialist, or a breeder vet near you?  I would definitely have someone experienced look her over, take her temp, maybe do an ultrasound.  

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