
My Dogs Try To Kill Each Other, Why?

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I have had my dogs (Puggles) for almost a year (they will be a year old in less than a month). They cuddle all the time and sleep in the same pen fine...They have always fought playfully and sometimes became a little too aggressive. But recently out of NO WHERE, they give each other a death stare and literally attack each other. I have NEVER seen two dogs act this way; I have no idea what caused/causes it or how to stop it. Can you help with any kind of information?




  1. If your dogs are NOT spayed/neutered, this could be one reason, because they could be hitting puberty. Sometimes, if they are both males or both females, this could be another problem with puberty. Also, since they could be hitting puberty, they are trying to dominate each other (meaning, trying to show who's boss). Dominating is one of the main reasons. Another could be that they are starting to get territorial about their surroundings (this falls under the domination category). If they are spayed/neutered, it would be that they are fighting for dominance and territory.

    One thing you could try doing, is asserting your own dominance. Another thing is you could try taking them to obediance classes. Obedience classes are the best way to go because you would get yourself hurt trying to assert your dominance over them.

    Good luck!

  2. Both of your dogs are trying to establish dominance in your household.  It's important that NEITHER one of them thinks he/she is the pack leader, but rather YOU are.

    I recommend you read books by Cesar Millan.  He gives good insight on the "pack mentality" of dogs so you can better understand them.  His books (and sometimes videos) are often available at your local library.  If not, you may be able to order them through interlibrary loans.

    Also try to watch episodes of Cesar Millan's television show called "The Dog Whisperer."  Some clips are also available if you do a search for them online.

    You can also go to Cesar's website below, for some helpful hints on how to deal with your dogs' problem.

  3. get it a mouse guard.

    keeps it no biting any thing.

    give it a chowing toy.

    write beware of dog on the gate of ur house

  4. lol. i would check with a vet or sumthing on this. mayb a dog whisperer. lol. good luck

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