
My Ear Surgery - Before and After (Pics)?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, im aware that my right ear (or left in the picture) still sticks out a little bit more then the other. If you saw me in real life would you notice it? Even though Im generally pleased it kinda bothers me.

Pic: (My bandage has just came off so thats the reason for the messy hair and my ears are still swollen.)




  1. No you don't notice it at all honey

    If it makes you feel any better I love love LOVE boys with sticky out ears, such a turn on - wierd I know :P

    But your look absolutely perfect

    Don't let it get you down x

  2. It wasn't a bad case, but I think you must be happy with the improvement.

  3. looks fine to me, I doubt many people have perfectly symmetrical ears

  4. ooo i could do with that

  5. to me it looks 100% perfect-you are obviously conscious as you know about it but i can honestly say i would never notice the difference x  

  6. Well you looked fine before surgery. My sons ear are sorta like that they probably stick out more than yours did.especially when he was younger. He pretty much grew into them as most people said that he would. He doesn`t wear baseball caps though. as far as your hair goes, I thought it looked awesome! I love foe-hawks!  

  7. I like your hair in the first one.

  8. Your ears did not stick out that much even before the operation. Anyway, now that you have had it, it seems to be a success and I hope you are happy.

    Wouldn't a cool hairstyle suffice to take the attention off your ears?

  9. I think it looks alot better, and in real life, i wouldn't notice that at all.

    And your hot by the way lol! :P

    Ask Phoebe.

  10. looks good to me son,always remember we can be too critical about ourselves so just relax and enjoy life

  11. hey Jay,

    Yeah I thought you looked good b4 the surgury.

    And you look good after the surgury.

    And I like your hair.

    What made you deside to have something done? Just a personal choice?

    It looks really good though.

  12. looks like a good improvement :)

  13. I wouldn't notice,but you should smile a little more.You look REALLY mad and sad,so it's not really the best picture.You should have picked a HAPPY and smiley picture of you!:)

  14. I think you looked grand before the Op, But if you wanted it done and it made you happy that's what matters.

    You look grand to me. Did you know that everyone has one eye bigger than the other you just have to look closely. No one is perfect especially me lol.  

  15. yer you can notice the difference, it looks better but i dont think its an amazing difference

  16. I wouldn't notice it. :]

    Because you barely ever look at some directly straight. So if I had noticed , I would just think your head was tilted a litttle. Know what I mean?

  17. I wouldn't have noticed the difference, either in the before OR after.  You look fine.

    You have to realize that few humans are perfectly symmetrical.  While our bodies are mirror images of themselves left to right (or right to left), differences do occur.  Your's aren't that noticable.

  18. I think they look great :) I definitely wouldn't say the left sticks out.

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