My 18 year old Eclectus bird has been constantly picking at its feathers ever since I first aquired him a few months ago from a friend. I didn't really think anything of it at first- it was gradual, a small patch of feathers missing here and there. I thought it must just be what happens to them in the summer.
That is, until one day when he appeared to be trying to eat himself. I have many birds and know that he could be just cleaning himself, but it was too intense to just be cleaning.
Now, he is scrawny and quite ugly- looking. For a month, his picking seemed to slow and then stop, but I am very concerned about him. I don't want to overreact to this and want to have some idea of what's happening before I take him to a vet.
Here are pictures of what he looks like now;
Could this be a disease or a bad habit? Or maybe it has something to do with his diet?