
My Eight year old wants to shave her legs......?

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Ok, my eight year old has very dark thick hair on her legs and arms and she wants it off. She is getting teased at school when she wears capri's or skirts. They boys say that her legs are too hairy to be a girl. I feel that she is too young to start that, but I hate that it makes her feel so bad. I also think that as soon as she has smooth legs they are going to find something else to pick on her for. They already call her a shrimp because she is small (can't do anything about that.) They tease her because she is on a lower soccer team then most of the kids in her class because she is younger (can't do anything about that either.) It is always something. My husband bought her some Nair over the summer and I have made excuses not to let her use it. SO, do I give in and fix this for her because THIS I can do something about, or am I just teaching her that she has to fix herself when others don't like something about her?




  1. my neice is 10 and was being teased at school about her mustache.. she is greek and it was thick and dark and my sister let her get it waxed and honestly people just leave her alone now.. she's much happier.. i would let your daughter start now if its really severe and if you dont want her to shave then let her use nair or some product like that.. hope this helped..

  2. Let her shave her legs.  Her self esteem needs a pick me up.  Make sure you tell her that she should shave them only if SHE wants to shave them, and not because of what anyone else says.

  3. Ok I had the same problem when I was young...I hated to dress out for p.e.  and I begged my mom to let me do it, but she didn't...and so one day I just did it on my own without her consent...but I was also 12...I say if she can handle it, let her do it....I absolutely HATED being teased about made me so sad...

  4. That's fine! Let her shave her legs, shes just maturing faster than others. Think of it as the first time she gets her period, will you tell her shes too young to wear pads?

    Good luck! Let her do it:)

  5. Let her use the Nair, she can learn that some things are under her control to change.  It will be good for her self esteem.  What can it hurt, if she don't like it the hair will grow back in a couple weeks.

  6. The problem does not seem to be the hair on her legs. The problem is all these other kids who make fun of her. They call her names that have nothing to do with the hair on her legs. And like you said, after she shaves her legs who knows what else they're going to tease her about.

    The easy way will be letting her shave; actually, an 8-year old with a razor is a little scary. Nair or bleaching is a better idea.

    The harder way is figuring out what to do about those other kids and/or figuring out a way to make your daughter a stronger person so that she can deal with these kids for a few more years.

  7. Sometimes  you need to fix the things that you Do have control over.  Yes, kids are cruel and they will always find something to tease her about, but I agree with someone else who said that she needs a little pick me up. I don't blame you at all for feeling like she is too young.  But, if her hair is that dark, it might not be a terrible idea.  Even though it's probably 15-16 years later, I completely remember the first time my mom finally gave in and let me shave my legs. It was such an amazing feeling of maturity.   In your case, I think you should sit down with her and tell her exactly what you just told us. Let her know that she is fine just the way she is.

    Be careful with Nair. Some people are allergic. Careful to use it on a small spot first.   Back in my day (man I feel old), they had these amazing razors that had wires wrapped around the blades so that it was impossible to cut yourself. I haven't seen them in years, but you might want to look around for something like that.... I mean, in the event that you do let her shave.

    Whatever you decide, good luck!

  8. I remember my friend din 4th grade she was about 10 and she had the same problem very hairy child she got teased a lot.

    She started to shave her legs without her moms permission she got in trouble but continued anyway finally her mom gave in. Once she shaved her legs it made her so happy and gave her more confidence. She to this day is my best friend and she has never regretted it.

    I think that it all comes down to what is the worst and best thing that can happen kids will always   make fun but will she feel better about her self? It is not cosmetic surgery it is just hair. It's hard to think of your little girl growing up but I think it would make her happier. (thank god I only have boys lol)


    Also I would not use a razor they have some great hair removal creams (other then nair)

  9. at first I was going to say no way but now I read the whole story I would say let her. It will help with her self esteme but it may be another reason for kids to tease her though. Kids will take anything and be mean. Let her shave and hopefully the teasing about her legs will stop

  10. She's too young. It's probably not her legs that are the problem with the kids at school, they probably just like making fun of her and will think of something else. Why don't you just tell her to wear pants? Jeans are ok even on a hot summer day.

  11. I was a little older than her but had the same problem. The first day at a new school I was made fun of by girls, not boys. That night I shaved with out telling my Mother.

    She may be young to shave but use the Nair.

  12. Just remember once you start shaving your legs the hair seems to grow more. I think that 8 years old is a little young to start shaving.

  13. OH you need to think this over Very well before you let her start shaving!! I am a mom of three and one on the way, and I myself HATE to shave my legs!!! It is a daunting task and It NEVER goes away!! you have to then worry about razor burn, cuts, running out of shave cream, razors etc.  This isn't something that you want to put on an eight year old!! I have a eight year old boy and he cant remember to flush the toilet most of the time, let alone be responsible for shaving with a potentially harmful razor! Yes she would be happy for a while but wait till the girls get jealous and start making fun of her for Shaving her legs! It is a hard thing to decide.

  14. Please dont let her shave her legs she is only eight! you are right that if her legs are smooth then they will find something else to tease her about, you should just move her into another school that would be the best thing to do.

    I've been hairy since as long as i can remember im fourteen now and i started shaving when i started high school thats the best time. just tell her its normal and in a few years she will be able to shave. Tell her that when the boys say 'your hairy' she should say 'well your ugly' :P

    if you MUST remove the hair wax it but before you do explain to her it will be a bit painfull

    good luck

  15. let her do it i mean she wants to be normal please dont let her be teased if toy dont i think you will regret it later (she will be mad )

  16. She may not realize she would have to keep it up all the time. Eight seems too young for the responsibility. She may not be able to use Nair. And it does smell bad. I started my daughter with a electric razor. But I would agree with you that 2nd or 3rd grade is just too young to start this.

  17. No, i think it would be ok to let her shave her legs. The taunting will just keep getting worse. How about maybe bleaching her legs with the cream? I would def. let her either nair or shave.

  18. If she has the darker hair it may be time to teach her how to properly shave.  I had dark hair too and my moms rule was no shaving until my first period but then she heard a boy call me a boy because of my hairy legs and so she gave in.  If you teach her right it would be best because otherwise she may do it behind your back and do some damage.  She just wants to feel like a girl.  She would probably be ok if it was just light hair because that is what most girls have but with darker hair she will get teased and called a boy.  I really do understand what she is going through and it would be best to let her get rid of the dark hair on the legs.

  19. I absolutely agree with you that the problem isn't the dark hair it's something else- the bullying itself.  She could shaver her whole body and it wouldn't stop the verbal bullying.

    SHe needs to learn to stick up for herself, whether it be telling a teacher or saying something back to the boys, whatever she feels confident with like, "Thanks for noticing!(happy)"  or sometimes even agreeing like, "yeah you're night I can't wait till I'm old enough to shave!"   or "Don't you have anything better to do?"  Not all of these work will all personality types- you know your daughter best, and finding away for her to be assertive in the situation will help.

  20. There is a lot you can change, they are bulling her. You should go to the school, meet with the teacher and Principal and discuss this issue. Kids can be cruel but at that young of an age it could do more damage shaving than not. Its just going to come back thicker, especially when she hits puberty. I would first try going to the school first and see whats going on.

  21. use wax, it lasts longer and the hairs don't get thicker and thicker. maybe take her to a salon.

  22. I agree with the few who believe that 8 is too young.

    I'm sorry it's hard for her, the teasing and all, but there are other solutions.  Bright, lightweight tights.  Linen or other lightweight pants.  Even bleaching her leg hairs, maybe?

    I just keep thinking that women shave their legs to be alluring to the touch, and the shine makes them look more toned and smaller.  I mean, her legs are natural, and the little 8 year-old jerky boys shouldn't find them appealing yet, right?  Even though she's not trying to be s**y by shaving her legs, that is the purpose of women shaving their legs in society.  It seems completely inappropriate for a pre-pubescent girl.  

    Just my opinion.

  23. There are lotions that lighten hair and over the counter bleaches that she could use. I teach third grade and my students are hispanic, and many of my students have visible hair on their legs and upper lips or have thicker eyebrows. Some of my girls get their upper lip waxed occasionally, but other than that it's just normal. She can wear tights, but self-confidence may be the issue more than hair. Taking the hair off is a very short term fix and can often make the problem worse in the long run.

  24. i think you should let her shave her legs but teach her how to do it... or mayb put nair on her legs but bcareful with the nair cuz i'm allergic 2 it n i found that out the hard way... let her kno that she doesnt have 2 change 4 ne body... make sure she wants 2 shave her legs 4 her not bcuz some kids are teasing...hope i helped

  25. KIds are maturing faster these days and girls have always matured faster than boys. I would not let her shave yet because the hair will probably grow back more corse and thick, but since its bothering her I would try one of those Veet bladeless things or maybe some other type of razorless hair removal.

  26. why dont you shave her legs the first couple of times so that she will learn how

  27. PLEEASSSE let her shave her legs! If they are that hairy, why not? Are you afraid of letting her grow up? Especially if people are making fun of her.. she is not too young to be humiliated. Put yourself in her position! I started shaving when I was in the third grade also. And so happy my mother let me! I remember it was also great bonding for my mom to teach me how. You definately should let your daughter shave!

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