
My Employer hasnt paid me?

by  |  earlier

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I was working for a dentist for the past 12 months, we found out that i fell pregnant in June. I told my dentist (employer) that i was 2 weeks pregnant, he didn't seem impressed, obviously thinking of money!

He then followed to be very upsetting making me fell like c**p and that i cant stand up to him, making life very awkward. work was making me very ill as some days i was left on my own doing 2 jobs and running up and down 3 sets of stairs.

the doctor signed me off for 2 weeks, again wasn't impressed. So i worked 4 full days, and had 6 days off sick, then the 2 weeks signed off.

It has come to pay day and i haven't beeb paid, no payslip through letterbox/phonecall i have tried to call him all dat today but no answer, he has also suggested that i give the keys for the practice back.

where do i stand?




  1. First go and ask your boss where your check is. Sometimes people forget. If he says you dont have a check coming or something get some proof like a printout or something that tells what days you have been in or not. Threaten to sue then and if he still doesnt pay then go to a court and appeal your case and if you have proof you should win and possibly get more money for your troubles and stuff

  2. you can threaten to sue him for not paying you and for also firing you for being pregnant

  3. If your state has a labor board, start with them.  Otherwise, file a complaint in small claims court. You'd better have some documentation, or forget it.

  4. You need to tell us where you live and work.  Some of your word choices make me think you might live in the UK.  If that's the case, your rights are very different than what they would be here in the US.

    Please tell us where you are so that someone with knowledge of the applicable laws can answer you.

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