
My English Is Not Well?!?

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MY High School will take place the new students orientation tomorrow.I feel very excited and nervous.I hope that i can have the great fun with my new friends and teachers.BUT my english is not well, it is a big problem! and i try to study english hardly.but it needs many time.PLENSE HELP ME! THX!




  1. well, you'll have something to talk about on your first day! people are always interested in people with accents or from foreign countries, so use it to your advantage! plus, you'll english will get better over the school year, so don't worry about it! it'll be a great learning experience :)

  2. Have you thought about trying Rosetta Stone?  If it's good enough for them to brag about their product being used by the U.S. State Department, NASA, and West Point, it should be good enough for a high school student.  Actually, your English doesn't sound all that bad, at least in typing!  I wouldn't get too worked up about it.  You'll have enough to worry about just going to high school!  I would definately check into a tutor.

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