
My English teacher is becoming very rude and unprofessional, what should I do to stabilize her?

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I'm an immigrant and I have recently moved to the United states from a war-torn country known as somalia. As a newcomer, I have experienced prejudice and hatred from my very own english teacher who seems arrogant and immature. I live in El-river , minnesota and I go to school over there and I rarely see any immigrants in the area I live. One day I was at the school and I happened to encounter my english teacher as I was going to the cafateria and as we approached the teacher walk right up to me and said that I'm not american and therefore I should go back to my native country, and at that moment I felt a type of pain that I have never felt before, because a professional teacher who suppose to teach students expand their knowledge talks like that. I felt very agitated and disappointed at the same time. Even if I'm not American, why is she concerned about me being immigrant? She even makes fun of me and says you don't speak proper english where in the world 're you come from! what should I do in regard to the prejudice and this teacher's level of stupidity. Thanksss




  1. You have to get your parents involved as schools always ignore students who bring their problems to the administrators.

    Write down EVERYTHING that has happened, what teacher did and said, etc.

    Give this to your parents and tell them to write a letter stating they demand the school to stop this teachers behavior immediately and address this letter to the principal and cc the bottom of it and give a copy of their letter to the district superintendent and EVERY member of the district school board. Also give all of them a copy of the letter that YOU wrote.

    This is VERY bad and EVERYONE should know what is going on.

    This should stop the teacher from doing this.

    By the way, your english and sentence structure here is WAY better than the american students who write here.

    By the way, welcome to America!!  People in other countries think America is the greatest, now it's one of the worst !!

  2. Speak to your guidance counselor or your school principal, request a transfer from her english class

  3. Go directly to the school superintendent, don't waste time with the principal, they tend to stick with the teacher.

    Tell him what has been happened and she will end up with a quick attitude adjustment, guaranteed!

  4. Wow

    First off I would to congratulate you and welcome you to America. It is unbelievable to me that a person such as her is allowed to teach. America is a melting pot from all over the world and it amazes me that a person can be so cruel and arrogant. After all unless she can prove 100% Native American ancestry she too has an immigrant background.

    I would recommend you addressing your concerns to as many authority figures at your school as possible. Including the head of the English Department, The Dean of the School, The School Board, and The Board of Education of Minnesota.

    Create a time table of when things have occurred and if you have any witnesses, try to get them to write statements to the best of their recollection. Include all of this documentation in your letters to the authority figures.

    This is a state  funded institution and her behavior is unbelievable inappropriate. If you are in the country legally than you have the same rights and liberties and everyone else. After coming from such an impoverished and war torn country you have already proven that you can beat the odds. You worked hard to get here, and earn your rights stand up and fight for them.

  5. I hope that your other experiences in America are far more welcoming than this individual has made you feel.  In America we have a constitutional amendment which grants us the freedom of speech. Some people believe that this applies everywhere to everything, that is not the case.  What this teacher said to you is racist and has no place in the educational setting.  My apologies to you on behalf of teachers everywhere.

    What to do?

    Go to your principal.  Have specific examples of what she said to you and when she said it.  Hopefully he/she will do something about it.  If nothing happens then go to the superintendent.  Do not get discouraged if things move slowly or not much happens.  If no witnesses can back up what you are clamming she said then it will be hard for the district to punish her.

    At minimum ask to be moved out of her class.

    I'm sure at one point her ancestors came to America speaking little to no english.  I wish your teacher could see their struggles and recognize that her behavior is rude, ignorant and unacceptable.

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