
My Ex Looks At Me And Frowns? And Sent Me A Message On Myspace.?

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The Message Said he didnt care. and that i need to grow up.

He looks at me and frowns and seems sad.

Whats are his feelings?


What can i do to get him to stop?

I broke up with him




  1. Ignore it. You know, sometimes it can take awhile to get over a break-up. P.S, I've never been in a relationship before though so, I'm no expert but, I say what I know.


  3. You will never know for sure.... unless ofcourse you speak to him. But I don't think that's the best thing right now.

    If he still bothers to message you he still cares...

  4. He's not over you.. and he's upset that you broke up with him.

    Just send him a message telling HIM to grow up and get over you.

    Hope This Helped x

  5. YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM!!!  How the h**l do you expect him to act?  Grab a clue you friggin idiot!!!!

  6. He is probably annoyed that you broke up with him but also upset. Try to avoid him to give him time to process his feelings and soon he will get over it.

  7. so, I disagree with everyone saying block him etc. Give it some time, especially if the break up was quite recently. Maybe he thought everything was going better than you did. He's probably hurt, confused and upset. Just let him be for a while then if you both want to, try and be friends, but don't be a ***** just because he's acting immature. Just give him a little time to get over you.

  8. He still has feelings for you.

    What you need to do is cut him out of your life for awhile. Don't go down that "lets be friends" road. He needs to see that you're serious about not wanting to be with him. Don't message him, try your best not to look at him... not saying to be rude to him but cut down the contact to the absolute bare minimum.

  9. you answered your own question.

    "What can i do to get him to stop?

    I broke up with him"

  10. Well if he doesn't care why is he on your Myspace...block him and just ignore contact.  

  11. Just stop talking to him. Leave him alone tell him why you broke up with him and that he needs to move one and not stay stuck on you, because your not gonna just stay stuck on him. And don;t be mean about it but just tell him straight up I dont wanna be with you anymore, and maybe you need to grow up.  

  12. Why would you care about his feelings or what he thinks about you?  If he's your ex, you should've blocked him from your MySpace by now.  You're caring too much about this.

  13. He is probably  still angry at you for breaking his heart  and is  doing anything in his power(such as: Giving you weird questionable looks, writing you hate mail) to make you feel bad ( maybe responsibe but i don't know if that's the right word). Pretty much he is stil pissed over the break up. Maybe because he wants you back or he is mad you broke up with him first. Why don't you ask him about it? When he looks at you like that agin just ask why do you all ways stare at me like that? ( In a calm manner).

  14. just tell him to stop.if he carries on then just ignore it,eventually he'll get the broke up with him then he needs to  move on and leave you alone.

  15. Why does it matter?  You broke up.  Remove his Myspace ID from your friend's list and i don't think he can message you anymore.  I believe you can probably block him too. Life moves on.  Good Luck  

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