
My Ex contacts me after 6 months???? help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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he initiated the break avoiding/ignoring etc

after 6 months, he suddenly sends me a message on myspace, asking "sup babe, howzit going, and that IT'S BEEN A WHILE." we messaged each other back and forth 7 times...

ok, right after the breakup, he wouldnt talk to me and was avoiding me.....i didnt call him all throughout the 6 months even though we see eachother twice a week at school!!!...he acted like nothing ever happened btw us..

it's obvious that he's not always comfortable walking by me whenever he sees friends could tell!!!

i've also had several dreams that a voice told me to be patient...wait and see!!!

why do you think he contacted me.....we havent texted eachother after's been 3 weeks now!!!!

what do you think he's trying to do here???




  1. Nothing, I think he was just bored that night.  Or, maybe he is just trying to see if he can get you back.  It is just games guys play, learn all you can while you are young.

  2. really dont go for him... infact dont even think... he is a big looser... he did a mistake by breaking up wid u... and he realized now.. and now he wants to patch up jus coz he cant get ne odr...

    he not stable.. and ppl who r not stable, u cant have relation with them...

    be safe and say bbye to him..

    all the best :)

    answer mine too... plzzzzzz;...

  3. To be honest maybe he has been striking out with girls and he thinks that he can get with you without a problem. We all have people like this in our lives, you just gotta be smart and not fall for it because the chances are that he is going to do the same thing again. Good guys and girls are hard to find and there is a lot of dogs out there that give the good guys a bad name I.E. this guy.

    If you wanna give him another chance make him earn it, don't let him think he can just come and go and not give a care about your feelings.

    Good Luck

  4. Gut reaction : he went for another girl, and that went sour.

    So, he`s trying to get back in with you.

    If you really are still interested, let him make the move of contacting you in real life. hyves/myspace/facebook and msn messages or texts do not count.

    Also, he`d better have some pretty good excuse for his silence, and should make up bigtime (Dinner, movie and a useful or cool present for you to start with).

  5. It's simple, he was seeing someone else. He broke up with that person and now he's using you as his fall-back. If I was you I wouldn't go back to him, because he'll probably do it again.

  6. sounds like he was just checking in to make sure you weren't over him yet.  and from what you said, your not.  you just let him put another notch on his ego.  

  7. He is testing you.  May be you let him approach you too easily.  Or reacted too nice to him.  Be yourself.  Don't let him win.  Show the best in front of him.  Let him regret.  May be start chit chatting with other guys in front of him.  Not flirting.  But dress nice to see what happen.  Men are jealousy pigs.  

    Good luck.

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