
My EyeBrows Are Really Girly,Im a boy and i cant get over this?

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my eyebrows change the way i look when i walk,talk smile,and everything,there thin and theres hardly any hair ever since i chopped part off my right brow off with scissors not liking my natual look :`( i didnt know the eyebrow would go so quick so then the other one had to be chopped :(,this was like 6 months ago and they still look ****,what can i do,its horibble please please i need tips or pics of people who are in my possition,ill regret this the rest of my life,it was who i was,now i fukd it up,excuse my french




  1. try to eat lots of protein  it will help ur multiorganisims in ur body (hair skin cells ect.)

  2. Go to a place that does makeovers and ask what them what can I do to improve your eyebrows? They may or may not suggest an eyebrow pencil or maybe they can shape them better so they don't look that bad.

    Take a girl friend or close woman friend with you to the makeover place and ask her what she suggests. Otherwise this is really going to bother you and you will start hiding your face under collars. Places like Mac are trusting enough and won't steer you wrong. Maybe post a picture so the people can make suggestions, you can just hide the bottom part of your face if your worried about how your eyebrows look.

  3. My friend it is better for you to keep it that way because thats natural man!But if you really wanna change that natural look , i would reccomend you to go to the proffesionals like those on the T.V. shows e.g. (Extreme Makeover)

  4. Your eyebrows were who you were? wtf?? well good luck with that.

  5. Buy an eyebrow pencil and draw them back.

  6. draw em on

  7. i would just.. take a eyebrow pencil and color in =p it will be fine, they will grow in before you know it !

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