
My Father has leukemia and I have found this out today. I am very depressed.What will happen next to my dad?

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My Father has leukemia and I have found this out today. I am very depressed.What will happen next to my dad?




  1. There are different variations of this cancer and each possess it's own extremes.  Through my study of the human physiology I am convinced that our bodies are extremely tough and every cell in the body works together in harmony to keep the body alive and well.  With that said, we need to help our body and give it a fighting chance.  Ever heard of that old saying, you are what you eat?  This is very true, the more additives we consume and un-natural foods we ingest we are doing our bodies a great injustice.  Let me be clear, I am not a physician and my opinion in no way should influence you one way or another, and it is not mean to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease.  With that said, I believe the best way to allow healing to occur is to provide the body with the proper nutrition it requires.  Here is some information to get you started,

    Do not underestimate the power of the human body once given the necessary tools.  

    Ps.  research vitamin B17 so you have an idea what it's all about.

  2. it depends on the type of leukaemia he has and how early the docs caught it, if it is over 3 or 4 years old then i can't say he will be the same . how ever if it is like a couple of months or weeks old then he will most definitely survive this experience.

    i hope your father gets well soon    

  3. There are different types of leukemia.  Some people beat the disease and go on to lead full productive lives after treatment.  It would be best to have an open discussion with your dad and doctor so you will both know his prognosis.  I wish you and your family the very best outcome

  4. Cancer is a really sucky thing to have to deal with especially in close family members. But with all medical advancements made today cancer can be BEAT!!! I'm not saying it isn't a horrible devastating thing to happen cause it really is but it isn't as hopless as it used to be. The first step to your dad's recovery is positive outlook. I'm not saying bottle your feelings up inside and don't share them with your dad. But don't make him feel like the situation is helpless cause it isn't. I suggest getting a councilor that specializes in helping families deal with cancer. Thinking the treatment will work and beliving it will, no matter how silly it sounds, helps. Im not sure how soon they discovered it in your dad but hopefully it was soon enough that it hasnt spread far. But they will probably start him on treatment as soon as possible which can be through chemotherapy or radiation therapy or so on. I think with leukemia they will prob do chemo. Chemo is tough but it affects all people differently. Maybe your dad wont have trouble with it maybe he will. But he will need you there most of all but this is also the hardest time to be there. What chemo is suppposed to do is kill cancer cells, however it cannot distinguish between healthy and cancer cells so it kills more than just cancer cells. Like hair cells which is what can cause your hair to fall out (yes a lovley side effect- loss of hair). Some other side effects can be low blood component counts (such as white and red blood cells as well as platelets), naseau and vommiting, hair loss, and tiredness. Be sure to keep yourself healthy too and if your not feeling well try to keep a safe distance from your dad cause he could be more receptive to disease because chemo can make him weak. I Really do wish you the best and i pray for a quick recovery for your dad. I hope this helped you know better what to expect. Cancer is not a fun deal. Best wishes. Let me know how it all turns out and if you have any other questions or just wanna talk im here.

  5. There are different types of leukemia, with different treatments. Some respond really well, others can be controlled somewhat. As a side precaution, before anything else, have your dad take some turmeric capsules (they have a small but positive effect on leukemia) and tell him that. A positive viewpoint helps out.

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