
My Fatty as a Horse. you have to see him!?

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Ok. This is my horse Joker,

he is very heavy I know. We really want to sell this horse but he isn’t a good horse at all. I don’t think anyone would really want him. he’s mean and bossy, he is food obsessed, he kick and bites, he will not lunge, he trail rides ONLY and only a walk or else he will stop DEAD no matter what, you have to get off and lead him back home because he will NOT move.

So that is my horse and i just wanted to see people’s comments or suggestions.

He’s a15 year’s old appaloosa gelding probably 1700 pounds. 15.2 hh

The person before us had him when he was a foal and was afraid of him because he would kick her when it was feeding time.

We have brought him to a professional trainer 2 times and they said they can’t do anything else with him.

So yeah that’s him




  1. Star is a really pretty color.

    And Joker doesnt look all that big.

  2. But he sure is a handsome horse!

  3. haha ok if you though joker was fat u should've seen my neighbours horse. It fooled everyone into thinking it was pregnant haha! Even before the vet came to look at her just my looking at her 20metres away the vet though she was pregnant haha! So dont feel to bad if you are about his weight lol :P

  4. You need to fire your farrier.  I'm surprised that horse isn't lame with the angle his hooves are at.  Especially those back ones!  And get him on a diet plan  no one would buy him the way he look now.  I know that's harsh but it's the truth.

    I'd give him away to a trainer, someone that is willing to work with him.  I've never heard of a trainer that gives up on a horse like that.  You need to dig a little deeper and find someone who really would put the time into him.  Although with the market the way it is, not many people will probably want to take on another in the meantime, DIET and NEW FARRIER.

  5. He is a handsome chap -- but look at the look in his eyes!  Seems like he is saying to the person holding the camera "Don't try any funny business or I'll clobber you!"

    Once a horse has made up their mind that work is no fun it takes a really experienced trainer to convince them otherwise.  

    With the horsing market being the way it is, your hopes of selling him are pretty grim.  You could give him away as a project horse for an experienced trainer.

  6. since he likes to walk and trot only you may want to see if you can donate him to a theaputic riding program.  but if he kicks and bites at everyone then it may not be a good idea.  then maybe being a pasture ornament is in his future.

  7. Somebody wanting a nice, bombproof trail mount will want him, no matter his attitude. He's quite a cute pillow. Does he ride bareback?? Just be sure to let people know he's a crab. Personally, I don't mind a cranky horse if he just pokes along on a trail as that's how I like to trail ride. Nobody's perfect.

  8. ... thats a shame... can you send him out for training?? he's a

    star is beautiful as well!

  9. Yup, he's a little chubby for sure, mind you if he only walks everywhere it isn't surprising. Have you thought about lowering his food intake. If he isn't burning off the calories there's no need to give him so many.

    I had a friend who's horse had a bone chip in its knee, she had surgery to have the chip removed and the horse became WAY better!!!

    Good luck!

  10. both of them are very pretty :D

    but of course, pretty is as pretty does. he's got that look in his eye a morgan mare i rode used to have... and she bucked me into the wall. i seem to think he wouldn't put up that kind of energy...

    he's not too big. if you weren't honest (though, it's very refreshing that you are!) you probably could sell him easily on color alone. but, why give up such a character?

  11. Don't listen to the trainer, well don't be put off...

    Different horses click with different people. Advertise him with a trial period of 6 to 12 weeks. I'm sure he just needs the right owner. These horses and so smart, I was working with one a few weeks ago, the poor person that owned him just couldn't get him to work for her, within half a day I'd sorted out many of their problems and taught the person how to float the stubborn pushy brute! They are now enjoying themselves - I had to think 3 steps ahead of him all the time - so smart!

    Best of luck.

  12. I wouldn't buy a horse with hoofs like that either, never mind the conformation.

    As for Star, she has a bad knee yet you ride her? Hmm I wonder if the knee would get better if someone wasn't on her back.

  13. he's not fat compared to ones I've seen. He's beautiful though. I figure with the right handler, he could be tamed. your other one's pretty too.

  14. Terrible shoulder, no chest, low, low, low pasterns, large neck, bad attitude...yup, your chances of selling him are pretty slim.  As someone else said, giving him away to a pro trainer as a project is probably your best bet.

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