
My Female Rabbit is eating one of her baby rabbits!! Please Help!!?

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Please help!! My Doe is eating her little baby rabbit!! What should I do?! I think its already dead but please help me what should I do!?




  1. Take the baby out of their now and handfeed him!

  2. try feeding it

  3. seprate it and any of the other babies. had u picked up the baby rabbit. mayb it could smell u on it and couldnt smell it and started eating it. common case. thats why  dont pick babies up before they are 1 week old.

    good luck

    hope its not dead

  4. Mothers tend to kill deformed or wounded infants, which may allow her to allocate resources to the healthy pups, which are more likely to survive. Mothers may also kill litters when they are stressed, perhaps because she perceives the environment as too hostile for pup survival, or if she cannot to rear the litter successfully. She recuperates some her energetic investment by consuming the young. Malnourished mothers, and mothers who have an abnormal birth experience, may also become infanticidal.

    basilcy some times something is wrong with the baby or she is too weak and need the energy to take care of the rest. other times its cuz she can't take care of all of them and one of them gets the worst fate.

  5. It's not really something that can be helped. As others have said, mothers eating their young is a natural thing. If you take away the  babies you'll have to learn to feed them on their own. It's bes if they're raised by mom as well. Just keep an eye on her and see how she does.

  6. Look away. It's normal behavior for wild animals.

  7. Mothers eat their young.  It happens in the wild and in domesticated animals.  It just means that the baby wasn't healthy enough to live.  I know it sounds cruel, but just keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't eat the rest of them..She might not have been ready to breed or just doesn't know what to do with them.


    It's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself.

  8. Woof!

    if your telling the truth get a new rabbit, no seriously if your telling the truth your Doe rabbit is the equvilant of Jack the Ripper

  9. sorry but this happens

    small animals like rabbits and gerbils eat their young if they are to ill to survive or if they smell different to their own

    sorry bout your rabbit but its a natural way that they stop the young one suffering more when they grow up

    theres nothing you can do but i wouldn't watch.


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