
My Female are fish dying?

by Guest56021  |  earlier

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My 2nd female fish died today. All the babies, and male fish are fine...look healthy. But 3/4 of the females started to get "sucked in" looking. The first one before she died almost looked hunched back. The 2nd one never got that bad, had that beginning skinny weird look.

They were/are eating and swimming. The last one that has the same "look" just ate this morning, and is swimming around fine. But so was the other one before she died.

The male and other female are both fat and hardy looking, so I'm thinking whatever happened to the other females is whats killing them. What do you think this is?

*They are all platys.




  1. i have no idea to be honest because ive never heard / experienced anything like that before and i breed + sell a lot of fish :P

    If that was me i think i would put in 1 teaspoon of dissolved aquarium salt per gallon of water in the tank and then keep an eye on them

    if it was still happening after a few weeks and there were still some fish alive in the tank i would probably then try methaline blue as a last resort

    a water change is the last thing you want to do in my opinion as it would just stress the fish out :)

    hope i helped  

  2. sounds to me like fish tuberculosis.... have you added any new fish in the past 6 months?

    if its TB sorry, but there is nothing you can do. pretty much everyone in the tank is doomed. you can try doing a hefty water change and hoping for the best, but most likely the rest are already infected.


    fish TB can take up to 6months to show, so if you have any fish that you haven't had for over 6 months it's highly possible one of them was carrying it even though they seemed fine.

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