
My Fiance' went to an a bar after work at 5pm to say good bye to a co-worker. ?

by  |  earlier

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It is now almost 4 hours later on a work night and he is not home. Should I be conserned, and am I allowed to be upset?




  1. wow chill out it is only 9pm at night. if it were 3 or 4am then you have the right to be upset.

    i think you should take note of when you get emotional over 'nothing' it can save a marraige from breaking down.  

  2. Concerned-No

    Upset-Maybe a bit since its later then he was expencted and has not called

    jsut mention to him that if he plans on being late if he can call you let you know it will keep you from worrying  

  3. Oh, relax. He probably just got caught up in conversation and lost track of time. He won't be seeing his coworker again and if they are close, it's kind of a big deal.

  4. Did he tell you he would be right home?  If not, I think you are overreacting.  Actually, I think you are overreacting anyway.

    He's probably just out having a good time, nothing to worry about at all.  If you are worried yoiu can call and bother him, but I'm sure he's just having a few drinks and relaxing after work.

  5. oh my God, no you should not be concerned or be upset! let the poor guy have some fun with his friends!!  

  6. you could give his cell a call and just be like "hey hun, just seeing if your having fun" if he answers justsay that and be like "do you know what time I can expect you home or should I not wait up? just wondering if I should go to bed or not".

    I do this all time, but I also can't sleep unless I know my fiance is home (I've always been like that.  My dad had to stop working nights when I was younger because I couldn't sleep til I heard him come through the door and on nights I'd be up ALL night)  My fiance knows this though so it doesn't bug him if I call to find out.  Usually he's lost track of time and doesn't realize how late it is.  If you think your fiance might feel like you're checking up on him then don't call.  Just wait.  He's probably just having one last fun time with his co-worker.

    EDIT:Did he say he would be home earlier? or did he just say he's going out?  If he said he's coming home at say 6 pm and he's not maybe call him.  If he just said "going out after work, I'll be home later" then maybe leave it for another hour or so before you do anything.

  7. yes i would be upset why didn't he tell u to go with him? what does he have to hide??? be careful you never really know someone.  i know you're getting married and your all excited but yeah you should address this. yes you have the right to be upset! would he if you were to do that to him?????  

  8. My fiance and I usually call each other if we are going to be late coming home from work or if we are going out with friends. Otherwise, we don't worry about calling each other to see where we are. If he's late coming home, I know that he's probably catching up with friends and he usually wanders in later on when I'm asleep. I don't worry about it, though because I know that he loves me and we have a lot of trust between us.

  9. concerned  probably not. You can call the hospital to see if he is there if not then he is safe if not then the police would have contacted you.  Save your anger for tomorrow, I learned this very useful bit of wisdom from my mother who learned it from her mother in law.  Express your anger the next morning, best if he has a hang over, it will do no good the night he is drunk he will not remember or care.

  10. Jane said it well. I don't think there's any reason to be concerned, and you shouldn't let this upset you. I don't understand why some women act like this. They want their men around 24/7 - why can't guys have a guys night out? I'm not my partner's mom and I don't "let" him do anything - he does what he wants to, and if I want to go out with my friends, I do. His co-worker is leaving. You'll be there for (likely) forever. Give the guy a break.

  11. I don't think it calls for you to be upset.  5-9pm for a going away for a co-worker is reasonable.  But for me, at 11pm, I would call and ask "hey, just wondering what time you would be home".

  12. Why don't you just call him or text him and ask him what's up? He probably should have called and let you know if he was going to be late.

  13. Should you be concerned? No.

    You can be upset about anything you want. I would recommend that you don't be upset by this.  

  14. I would not worry about it, it is hard to say goodbye to a close friend

  15. Concerned - no.  Allowed to be upset?  Sure, but really, why would you be?  He's just saying good-bye to someone he works with and is probably having a good time with the rest of his co-workers.  If you're really concerned, give him a call, but don't act all upset and whiny if he answers.

  16. Grow up....this is normal...if you don't trust him why are you marrying him?

  17. NO I don't think you have anything to worry about.  I'm sure he is surrounded by other coworkers and they are just having some fun and blowing off some steam.  I'm sure he will be home soon!

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