
My Fiance just found out he is being deployed, but he just had a seizure a few days ago, will he still deploy?

by  |  earlier

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He went to the doctor and got an eeg and a cat scan. Also, he informed his sergant and all of them, so the army knows about it.




  1. U.S Army has no mercy, he will be deployed. sorry to say that

  2. Unless his condition is life threatening, he'll probably end up going.

  3. No, he will not be deployed if he can explain his difficulties to his seniors and if he has been a good guy for long. Ask him to explain his problem and request his authorities to drop him from the deployment list. If he cannot do this, he will surely go for deployment.

    And please say NO socially to US depl around the world. Let us not loose our loved ones for the sake of Politicians and their dreams.

  4. Did he have it documented at a hospital? If the military gets documentation proving he had one, they'll surely keep him home. Is he prone to seizures? Because it seems people with chronic medical problems aren't often accepted to the military.

  5. i think it depends on if he's been diagnosed with seizures or if it was just that one time (cause i have them and been diagnosed and but my friend had one and that was it). if he continue/be diagnosed i think he'll say but if not i think they'll deploy him.

  6. Your first priority should be having the seizure evaluated.  If he's got a seizure disorder, not only might he not be deployed but he might get removed from the service.  Epilepsy is an absolute bar to enlistment or service.  And while I'm sure its nice not to have him getting shot at, this would be nothing to celebrate; seizure disorders tend to be lifelong chronic conditions and only get worse with time.

  7. Well, do they know why he had the seizure?

  8. If he has documented seizures, he won't be deployed. In fact, he won't be allowed to stay in the Army. He'll get boarded and receive a medical discharge. But the Army will be suspicious. They'll put him on medical hold for a long time.  

  9. I think it would be a horrible idea to deploy someone after having a seizure. Best of luck.

  10. Hard to tell.  Who else knows?

  11. probably not as it could happen at any other time.better here at home!

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