
My First Hamsters! Please Help!?

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Hi. I'm about to get my 1st hamsters. I want to get 2 girls and name them Peaches and Peanut. Hopefully I will get them this weekend. I am going to put them in to separate cages and put them on a desk in my room. I have done research about the basic things, like cleaning their cage and stuff. But what do I do the 1st 24 hours? Like, can I touch them? Can I give them treats? Things like that. Please help me out. I'm really nervous, but even more excited. Thank you!

- Emily




  1. Give them a week to get used to their surroundings.You can give them a treat though!

       Good Luck On Your New Hammys!

  2. well i think u should just leave them alone for the first 1 or 2 days just give them water and food i did that every time wen i got my first 3 hamsters just so they can used to live like they well then u can try picking them up just try setting her in ur hands so she can get used to u and if the urines that means shes sacred and u should put her back in the cage hopes this helps.

  3. you can hold it and stuff just sorta let them roam around there cages 4 awile tho

  4. First of all what I am finding at the pet stores ect.. is they are telling people not to put male & females together . & not to mate them to have babies. That is not totally true. I have raised hamsters most of my life( a lot of years) If you do choose to do that though you will need to provide lots of space for them just put together cages & tubes & enjoy . You can  also sell them & make plenty enough to  pay for their need.s , maybe that is why the  store dont want us to raise them?. Of course if you cant spend the time to care for them your better off with only one . You need to care for them & keep their cages ect.. clean.They do need attention & affection just like most pets.Your girls will be ok  if you wait a couple of days. But remember more hamsters equal more time. So if you get two or more  you need to be willing to care for them. There are several small books available at most pet stores that will help you out . Good luck & remember enjoy!

  5. Well when I got hamsters they were a handful! I loved her but she was really hard to keep. One reason was because she would always escape and she would go in our pool! But if you are serious on loving and caring it then go ahead it a bug responsibility though!

    Good Luck!

  6. I have had hamsters my whole life, and from my experience, in the first 24 hours try to leave them alone to get used to their new homes and surroundings. Picking them up when they are scared may result in a bite. After a day or so feel free to pick them up all you want! Do no give them many treats at first because you do not know what their stomachs are used to from the pet store.  If you do want to give treats, try a piece of lettuce or a bit of a carrot. Natural treats will keep your hammy healthy and happy! I would suggest not putting them together to play if they are not from the same littler or are not living together. Hope this helps you out!

  7. Give them time to settle in. Don't handle too much for the first day or so.  Fill the dish with hamster food. Use treats sparingly.

  8. First, do not use cedar bedding, it kills. Do not handle them with the smell of food on your hands.  Do not pick them up when they are asleep.  The last two will almost always get you bitten.  Treats should be no more than 10% of the diet. You can handle them the day you get them and they can be very sweet, playful and SMART.  They like cages like the CritterTrail series. They are big time chewers and wood chews or pumice blocks are good.  Just because they don't bite when you buy them doesn't mean they wont so cross your fingers.  You can email me if you like.  

  9. ahh....i see. i had a sweetie pie golden hamster named Sophia Lily, Sophie for short. she was a doll! the nicest thing! and the most spoiled hamster alive i'm tellin you. she just loved posing for pictures. And even took 'dust' baths to clean her fur. anywho, unfortunantly, she passed away last year, and this year, i rescued a hamster, Corbie, BumBum for short, from 'abusive' neighbors if you could say so. He is a mix, and very fat and lazy. hes not the nicest hamster. he bites everynow and again, and i also have a dwarf hamster, named Tinkerbell, Ellie for short. And she is the tinest thing! only about an inch or so, and will stay that way her whole life! shes a sweety pie too! a little mini sophie if you could say so. now thats only the hamsters, i had a calm, loving, gentle, fat and lazy guinea pig, named Tiger Lily, Bubba for short (yes, i like peter pan if you cant tell, aka Tiger Lily and  tinkerbell) and he passed a few years ago. and now i have a sweety pie little piggy named Quigley, or Squigle-puff for short. and i just got a little puppy named Rex who is a darling

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