
My Fish Have Fin Rot HELP!!!?

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I have 2 goldfish in a largish tank with a filter etc.. we clean them at least twice a week. However one of the fishes is suffering from fin rot. It has blood like streaks on its tail and clamped back fins. We have bought Interpets Anti Fungas and Fin Rot and have only just started using, it seams to be making it worse, now the fins have become transparent and look gooey!! does anyone know if this treatment actually works or if there is another better treatment out there with proven results as I couldnt bear if it died. The other fish is double the size of the poorley fish and seams to be thriveing.




  1. Hello, I have goldfish too and love them.  Let me start off first from my experiences.

    Goldfish are very sensitive fish and "dirty."  They p**p a lot, in which the (20%) water change is required more often then non-goldfish tanks.  3 of my 8 goldfish do get fin rot often (5 times so far out of the 1.5 years I've had them) in my 30 gallon tank.  They aren't terribly big yet so the tank size is ok for now.  But when they get bigger, I'm getting a bigger tank.

    What I've done when fin rot appears:

    1.  Take out the filter because the coal will absorb the medicine.

    2.  I use Melafix, works great.  Directions are on the bottle for correct duration and amount to use.  I usually take out some tank water in a cup and pre mix it before I apply.  Sometimes a direct application will work better.  Catch your goldfish in a fish net and directly poor melafix on the affected areas.

    3. (alternative preferred method) Before applying melafix in the tank, change the water out first.  I use my home tap water.  Keep in mind to let the water sit out for a day first.  In addition, I also use the recommended amount of aquarium salt and some ammonia remover.

    Remember not to over dose with medicine... too much could hurt them even more.  I've included a link that may also help.  Also to help when changing out water, be sure to clean your hands very well up to your elbows.  If you use soap, be sure the wash very thoroughly to not introduce harmful chemicals or germs (including your water buckets, tools, nets… etc.)

    Good luck in curing your goldfish!!!

  2. Are they the only fish in the tank? If they aren't I would move them to a infirmary tank. I used Maracyn Two on my corydoras that I rescued from WalMart who had fin rot to the point that one of them didn't have half a tail and a really bad red sore. After three days the red sore was gone! The fungus medication was overkill. The fungus is a secondary infection after the bacterial. Are you sure it is even fin rot? Most of the time with fin rot there are tattered fins along with discoloration. Tucked fins is usually a sign of something else.  What is largish? I hope it's 30+ gallons. The fish that is doing poorly maybe stressed out because the larger fish is picking on it. Do a water test! You might have an ammonia problem over fin rot. The tucked fins make me suspect that.  Especially if your tank isn't big enough. If there is ammonia problem do a water change and put an ammonia removing filter in your filter.

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