
My Flash won't work in FireFox for displaying Invisionfree flash content?

by  |  earlier

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I've posted a thread on

Where I included [Flash=500,420]Youtube-movie-link[/flash...

The video is visible using internet explorer, but not Firefox.

I've tried installing the plugins (Adobe Flash, Shockwave, etc etc) - But those didn't make it work.

my Firefox version is

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1

(Meh, just copied it from the about tab thing :P )

Please do not suggest that I should use another browser, I won't do that.

When it comes to YouTube movies viewed from, those are working well.




  1. There is a known bug between Flash and Firefox 3, currently both Adobe and Firefox are working on it, but as ogf yet have no idea whats hapeping, if its flash or firefox, or even other plu-ins or software in the way.

    the problem gets harder as Flash is closed source so the opensource devs at Firefox cnat properly go in and see whats in Flash that might affect Firefox.

    jsut be patient and a soltion will hopefulyl arise. and Youtube is main site wiht probs of videos only paliyng ofra few second thant crashing, os your not as bad as other people.

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