
My Fluval is taking in air somewhere and spitting it out in bursts . . .?

by  |  earlier

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into my big saltwater tank. I'm guessing it's taking in air, where else would the air come from? I'm sure it isn't air from the "startup". Any ideas on where to look, what to look for, etc? It runs clear for about 7 seconds then I hear air in the Fluval and out it comes. Tons of bubbles for about 12 seconds. Then the cycle starts all over again. I would love some help with this!




  1. I had the same situation as Peter.  I end up having some salt creep stuck on the gasket.  

  2. One of my canisters was doing the same thing.  Not a fluval though but very similar design.  Anyway I tried all sorts of things thinking that I had air getting in somewhere as well.  I couldnt find anything obvious and the only way I stopped it was when I moved the tank and disconnected the whole filter and set it up again.  Obviously I didnt drain the filter and kept it wet.

    What I did notice though was some dry salt around the big seal at the top of the filter.  I dont think it is air getting in.  I cant explain what, but look at other possible causes.  In the meanwhile if it is annoying you too much, turn off the filter, drain the pipes to the filter level, the reprime the system.  It should stop it.  Well at least it did in mine

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