
My Friend Can't Post Comments On My 360 Page???????????

by  |  earlier

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she's on my friends list on my 360 page and then she email me saying that when she try to post a comment on my page, it wouldn't post. I email her saying that is she still connected to me, and she said yes. I really don't know what's going on right now! I put my comments on Friends and they should leave me comments! What's wrong with my comments right now? Thanks for answering this question and I will check on this later!

-ConfusedGirlForever *(Diane N)*




  1. UPDATE: I am telling you that there is no known solution to this problem. You can work around it, maybe, but that's about it.

    Please see my answer to a similar, previous question here:;...

  2. u should tell your friend to wait for some days and try happened to me once.....but after a week it was ok

  3. Hi,

    I have the same problem.. we have to just wait .. until yahoo resolves it


  4. I dnt kno but u should add me.

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