
My Friend Copies Me!!!?

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I am very unique, and different. Whenever I do ANYTHING, my best friend copies me. (her name is kaley, im aimee) so me kaley and our other bff, alice are at the mall. we stopped for cookies. kaley said shes have a chocolate chip, then when me and alice said we wanted sugar, thats what she got! I got this awesome new undergarment.... and then all of a sudden kaley had to have one!! When I decided to dye my hair, kaley just had to dye hers too! She used to think Hot Topic was creepy, and when I started shopping there she did too! There were also some other stuff like this too, and its REALLY bothering me. Alice noticed too, and we talked about it. I dont want to lose kaley as a friend. I TRY to be different, but i cant when kaley always copies me. I dont know if i should tell kaley about this. shes very sensitive. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me!!! thanxx!




  1. Don't tell her where you shop or show her your new stuff. That way she can't copy you.

    I had the same problem years back, so I know how annoying it can be.

  2. beat the f*ck outta her

  3. why are you TRYING to be different? just be yourself. you shouldnt have to TRY at that.

  4. I know that can be very annoying but i think tha she's just inscure about her own self. why else whould she copy you.she wants to have a great style like you but she doesn't know how to do get it other than coping you. if she's a good friend don't tell her that when she copies you its annoying in a rude way. just give little hints like when she buys something that she really like and you don't give her a compliment. that will make her feel good about the things she picks out. good luck.

  5. haha thats so weird!

    i was just gonna ask a question like this, my best friend copies me on almost everything anymore.

    she says she hates something and then loves it!

    im gonna just try to change things up and see if she copies a little.

    today she's getting highlights/bangs just like me..great.

  6. i think she just wants to fit in..

    =D  just tell her..i think she'll understand

  7. I think you should be proud. She is like looking up to you as a role model and she admires what you do. I know that it is kinda annoying but just talk to her. Not rudely. Just give her some advice, like she should try to be her own unique person.

  8. I understand where you are coming from, and I have also been where Kaley is. There are two type of people in a soical group, the Leader and the followers. You are the Leader and trend setter for your group and Kaley is just trying tobe excepted be your highlyness. So what you have to do is convence her that you know best...such as next time you go shopping have her try on stuff and than if you like it tell her so and if tell her you don't. Eventaully she will start looking for your opinion as you slowly steer her to a new cute style.

  9. i know for you its annoying but she really admires you as a friend, and you can be a good example for her and be above the influence, you shouldnt be mean about it at all, you should feel the opposite, just try and work around it, and if you rather talk to her then please dont be mean. : )

  10. ya that is annoying.  i know exactly how you feel.  my friend copies me a lot too.  its way annoying cuz kaley needs to learn how to be herself and not YOU.  but if she does something different, then tell her it looks cute.  compliment her tons because she's probably insecure.  but don't compliment her on the things that she copies you on, do it for the few different things she does.

  11. I know how you feel.

    My friend got side bangs right after me even the same length! , i found cool,unique shoes from DC, and she bought them too, EVEN WITH ME!

    I bought these to pajama bottoms, she bought them too. I bought really cute Vans...she bought them to in a diff. color. I bought this really cute sunglasses shirt, she bought the same one in pink. I'm not sure if this was on purpose or not, but my mom bought this laptop for her birthday, but I use it instead. I say its mine, but then a month later my friend has a Mac laptop too!! Oh yeah, and yesterday I brought my guitar over (which I got in April), and she bought a guitar that same day I brought my guitar over. She said shes always wanted one, and asked for one for christmas. But still!

    It sort of bothers me...its actually not flattering most of the time. I try to be unique buying reallyyy cool t-shirts from Fred Segal, and buying stuff that is out of state so no one can get it in my county.

    Confront her. That's what i did. and she said she wasn't trying too. Make sure you lay it on her easy.

  12. awh! dont worry , this happens to everyone , you dont know

    how much my friend copies me ! oh my god its so annoying,

    just the other day I bought this plaid red skirt , then the next

    day she had the EXACT SAME ONE in the EXACT SAME

    COLOUR! this has happend with tons of clothes before too!

    Then once I changed my "about me" on face book , and it

    was like she copied and pasted it on to hers and just changed tyra to her name! OMG ! i was going to freak!

    its just sooo annoying! so yes i know how you feel!

  13. Maybe she just wants to blend in with your group.

  14. She doesn't do it to p**s you off she does it because she admires you. You should be flattered. Maybe you should take her to the mall and pick out some stuff for her that you would like but don't get the exact same thing. That way she feels "cool" and you feel "unique" (which anything at HotTopic isn't unique, it's all mainstream **** that every 14-17 year old is wearing.)

  15. She does it because she admires you and because she isn't really comfortable being herself yet. So she would like to be different like you and doesn't know how to be different.

    Maybe you and your other friend Alice can help her be her own person.

  16. okay aimee hear me out.

    me and my bestfriend ashley had a HUGE yearlong fight like this in seventh grade.

    okay ashley, like you, was very unique and i thought that was so cool & i wanted to be just like her.

    well ashley got super mad  and she started rumors about me at school and even started a hateful myspace toward me.

    don't do what ashley did.

    instead, talk to her and tell her whats going on.

    if she takes it the right way, explain to her a way she could be unique (you like hot topic, so tell her to shop at metropark: similiar clothes but with a different sort of style)

    if she doesnt take it the right way, she's not worth your time.

  17. Well I'm guessing you guys are all teens or kids well even many adults have trouble with their identity too...It's normal and more people are copycats than you realize...Like 90 % of the population you just notice it in people you are around a lot! Just try to ignore it. Also like the girl above said Hot Topic isn't unique...She probably likes the style like the other 50 million people who shop their do and maybe you just started first but it doesn't mean she loses the right to shop there...

  18. yeah it is annoying. thats how my little sister is...well kinda i mean we are TOTALY different people. but she still dose these small things that i used to do and recently ive noticed like how much she really is actually beginning to copy me. it doesnt really bug me because i am not around her all the time..but i can only imagine what it would be like if it was my bestfriend doing it. maybe you should just try to ignore it if you can.. it is prolly just a phase she is going thru and will soon change....but if not you can always just ask her why she is doing it. just tell her your not mad or anything so she doesnt get upset. or just mention to her how it bugs you. or next time she shops at hot topic  with you ask her why she is shopping there since she thinks its creepy. just try to encourage her to be herself.

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