
My Friend Won't Stop Calling Me And She's Driving Me Insane?

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My friend 19 yrs old and is 14 weeks pregnant with her first child.

While I'm happy for her my younger sister is 26 weeks pregnant right now and she was hospitalized this passed week cuz she went into labor and luckily they stopped it just in time. My sister has had 3 previous miscarraiges so right now I'm on eggshells worrying about her. She's all the way in Cali and I'm living in North Carolina so that makes me anxious. I'll be heading home to Cali in about a month so until then I dont know exactly whats going on.

Well my friend insists on calling me 15 times a day to obsess over her pregnancy and I just don't want to hear it. I told her about my sister and her high risk pregnancy and she doesn't want to listen. She just goes on and on about how her baby daddy (her kid is a result of a one night stand) is ignoring her and OMG I can't take it.

What do I tell her? I'm about to go off on her. I'm 20 yrs old with no children of my own.




  1. Put her on block for 3 days, she'll get the point or just end up frustrated and stop calling anyways.

  2. Use caller ID. Ignore her calls ie don't pick up.

  3. when you know its her just answer once. but if she calls and says please this is very important then you may want to hear what she says. if its just for fun and youre being annoyed why dont you just tell her to call you when its important or when she want to talk about something other than babaies...

  4. Your friend is being very insensitive and selfish. Yes you're happy for her, but thats not enough in her book. She wants someone on the phone constantly so she won't be alone in her thoughts. Its not your problem, but as a friend just answer and let her know you're very sad right now.

    If she doesn't stop then get nasty. She's only in it for herself. A one sided friendship isn't one you want to keep up with anyways.

    I hope everything ends happily for your sister!

  5. tell her you are thrilled about her pregnancy but right now you are very preoccuppied with your sisters issues that you can't take more than one call per day from her.  tell her that when your sister is out of the woods you will be able to talk more, by then she won't be as likely to need to talk to you as often.

  6. i would just tell her that your happy for her but your really busy and cant talk to her at the moment and when she calls anyway... reject the call and go into your 'happy zone'. at night, turn your phone off, or on silent/vibrate. that way if she cant sleep and decides to call you at 4 in the morning, you wont hear it. sometimes you can even "accidentally" leave your phone in your room when your running errands or something.   i hope that helped a little.

  7. LOL it's a result of a one night stand. What an easy target..then she wonders why her baby daddy doesn't want anything to do with her.

    Answer once and if she calls again don't answer..

    and if it annoys you too much..

    be tactfull but honest about her diva like attention.

    Tell her family comes first..and all.he he

  8. Tell her this is a tough time for you and you really can't be as cheerful about her pregnancy as she deserves.  Say you're feeling bad and don't really want to talk on the phone anymore today (or this week).  Then stop answering your phone.  It takes two people to have a phone conversation.  Don't be nasty about it, but be firm.

  9. Tell her next time she calls that you don't really want to talk to anyone (make sure you say "anyone", and not "you", so you don't hurt her feelings!!) right now, and that you're stressed and maybe you can call her later. If she asks what's wrong, say "It's personal, I'll tell you later."

    Your sister is in my thoughts and prayers!

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