
My Friend and Her Lack of Shaving..?

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My best friend she is like a sister, but there is something about her that she needs to change. She doesn't shave her upper legs. She was told that the veins on her upper leg would bulge out if she did shave. I've tried to convince her that what she was told only happens because of genetics.

I've even tried telling her that I read an article from a researcher that 90% of guys like completely shaved and smooth legs. It still didn't work.

oh and I know she doesn't shave her legs whether she is wearing a skirt or not. My dad's christmas party requires helpers to dress up and the costumes are rather small and she had to wear it since she was helping out. she wore nylons but the hair stuck out of the nylon and it kinda made me nausea's.

how can i convince her to start shaving her legs?




  1. tell her straight up. say its disgusting! you know she'd say that to u. (but in a helpful way, not a mean way)

  2. I know you are trying to help out but it's her skin, her razor (or lack there of) so therefore it is HER choice.

  3. aahahahhah


  4. Who cares.

    Its her choice.

    So just leave her alone.

  5. just leave her alone, its her decision if she wants to shave or not.

  6. She's set on her decision. Just let it be, as hard as that may be.


  7. just let her,, its no big deal

  8. leave her alone about it

  9. okay, well i would tell her to try nair, or a product like that. or you coulod just come out and tell her that that is plain gross. well, i hope i helped in anyway.

    good luck. :]

  10. you should be a better friend, and not care if she shaves or not. i mean its not like YOUR checking her out or something. your not dating her, it shouldnt matter to you. if you want her to shave that bad, then tell her staright up, whether then making yourself look shallow on this.

  11. uh yes that is gross unless shes from another country where they don't shave their legs or don't have the money to buy a razor she really needs to get with it. Shes a women for pete sakes Its time to start those womanly hygienic rituals and that includes shaving. I have a bulging vein that I can see when I shave but that's better than not shaving. That's just GROSS! Give her some nair and she can use it before she hits the shower. I know Ive seen women who don't shave their legs and have stockings on. They look like a guy! I don't know i mean that's something she should have taken care of when she was like what 13 14 15 yrs old. That's not healthy. ugh!

  12. To be honest, you're a bad friend if you're making her do things she doesn't want to do.

  13. its not a big deal, just chill

  14. if shes wearing panty hose and shaves u cant see her veins through it!!

  15. If she is still young, leave her alone.  A lot of moms only allow their teen daughters to shave below the knee.  If you have already mentioned it to her, then it's up to her.  I think when she needs to wear a bathing suit, she might consider shaving above the knee, but if she's dressing appropriately then nobody should be seeing the hair up that high.  I'm blonde so I was always able to get away with it, the hair on the thighs is usually softer anyway, long hair feels smoother than stubble anyway.  The veins won't bulge from shaving, but some people choose not to shave, it's their choice.  They shouldn't make decisions based on what "guys will like".  Our culture is obsessed with being hairless, but many are not.  Let her decide her grooming habits.

  16. You've tried to let her down easy but shes oviously NOT getting the message. Take a picture of this hair thats making you nausea's and show it to her telling her that its gross and she needs to shave because shes embarassing you. A little tough love will go a long way

  17. LEAVE HER ALONE! Hahah, i mean would you want your best friend to tell you to, let's say, wax your eyebrows... its her personal decision!

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