
My Friends Didn't Wish Me Happy B-Day?

by  |  earlier

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well my b-day is the day that my friends leave to go to sleepover camp and well i have 5 best friends ( well i thought ). And only 3 of them said happy b-day before camp and gave me a presents and i even gave the other 2 friends presents for their b-day and 1 of them had a secret b-day party i wasn't invited to but my other friends were. And now i am not sure if they r true friends or not.

Please Help!

BTW i am 13




  1. maybe they aren't your friends after all you are depending on them let it go and grt some new friends

  2. The same thing happened to me and I talked to them about it and they all said they were doing other things and I felt really bad that they didn't at least take a little time but after a while it blew over

  3. Ok, they're friends, but they're not your best friends. best friends wouldnt do that to each other. they are taking you for granted, you seem to be the one putting more effort into your friendship and that shouldn't happen. find some new friends who appreciate you and take care. you'll find out later in life people are going to be a lot worse.

  4. Eh, they probably just forgot your birthday! Don't feel bad, my friends forgot my birthday too. They didn't wish me a happy birthday, or get me gifts like they did to everyone else, but I know it was because I didn't say anything about it. My other friends talk about their birthdays for WEEKS before it actually happens. lol, actually, it was kind of funny because I was in English class w/ one of my BFF's (we have nine in the whole group) and I was like talking about my birthday and she was like, "when was your birthday?" and I was like, "" and she was like, "O...M....G.... I'M SORRY!!!!" And she gave me a dollar. lol, then later I was walking with 2 of my BFFs and I was telling them about that and they were like, "wait, when was your birthday?" and I was like, "um... today." and then they were like, "WHAT?!?!?" They all ended up embarassing me by singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs at recess, lol.

    Well, anyway, don't worry about it. Just be like, "Were you guys aware that my birthday was a while ago?" and if they don't apologize, then I'd get a little suspicious over if they're your true friends or not. And as for that party, that's kind of weird, I'd confront them about it

  5. if they keep huting you, then they are not true friends. tell them that it's obvious that they don't wanna be your friend and that u wanna end the friendship but without fihgting and stuff.

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