
My Future Child(rens) Height?!?

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If I'm 5'6 & my husband is 6'1 how tall will our kids be?

My mom is 5'4 and his mom is 5'9

any ideas?




  1. You could have one child that is short and the other one that is tall - you really can't tell - the same way you can't predict anything else about your child - apart from looking at the odds and having a guess!  My husband and I are both average height but our son has always been above average in height - maybe because a couple of his uncles are tall - who knows?  They say when a child is two years old they are half the height of their adult size.

  2. I was sent this calculator this morning and thought it was fun:

    That said, I am not sure how accurate it really is. Today they have calculated that my eldest son will be 6'1" but last year it was 6'4"!

  3. This might sound odd but my dentist reckons he can tell how tall a child will be by the size of their jaw! My two will be  tall although I'm 5'5 and dad 5'11. He didn't explain but maybe a dentist reading this might?

  4. How would anyone answer that question? I don't think there's a mathmatical equation that would figure that out. My father was 6'6 and my mother was 5'. All of my siblings ended up below average height, as well as me at 4'11 and fully grown.

  5. A boy will be more towards 6'

    A girl may be 5'6/7 evern 8 inches

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