
My GCSE results are soo bad!!!?

by Guest59089  |  earlier

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What results did you get?

I got 2 B's, a credit (Not sure what that means :s), 5 C's, 3 D's and an E.

I'm soo devistated by this I was predicted an A in drama but cause of my group not working together I ended up with a C :(

With my results I'll need to get maths up to a C but what can I do with what I have? I didn't expect to get such low results whatsoever.

I can't get into university in the states now like I planned.

Could someone please help me sort things out? It's stressing me out beyond all belief.




  1. Heyyy :)

    First off.. don't panic ! There are thousands of students like you who have achieved lower than they expected.. ignore the other idiot who answered this calling you stupid - they are just pathetic. About your drama grade, my friends who got drama all got a few grades lower than they were predicted.. only 1 person got an A when there should have been about 7 A*s.. so i think it may have been marked extremely harshly ! Another point is that you have got 7 passing grades (A*-C) and a credit, which probably counts for something (not heard of it).. so that means you can definately further your education in a 6th form college/at your school (most of them accept the minimum of 5 passing grades and above). So now you've got that sorted, there really is no need to panic.. yes you probably will need to retake your maths, but thats the only one you'll need to retake. If you do decide to further your education and take A levels, this is a great opportunity to pull up your socks and work your HARDEST to achieve fantastic A level results.. this is what will get you to university, not GCSEs :) Good luck, and stop putting yourself down ! x

  2. There not bad!

    You passed all of your GCSE's!

    And got 7 c's and above and what collage's want is 5 a-c's and above

    and if your doing ALevels once you've done that universitys wont look at your GCSE's

    I was disapointed in mine to i got

    4 B's

    2 C's

    3 D's

    and 1 - E

  3. Have you tried the Scholastic aptitude test?  Check out  and do some research on it.  I know a few people who didn't do too well on their gcses but did the SAT and got scholarships.  Definitely worth a look.  Failing that, get into uni here, do very well get a transfer?  Or get a great degree and do your post grad in the US?

    Don't worry, it always looks fatal when you get bad/unexpected news.  There is always a way.  

  4. they arent even that bad you have 2 Bs and 5 Cs thats enough to get into college to do anything.

    I was in all the top sets at school and i got

    2 Cs

    4 Ds

    2 Fs

    hope that makes you feel better.


  6. You passed 7 which is really good !!!!  i only passes for for 4 c's and I'm really happy with that i also got 4 d's , you could do your A levels which is what I'm planing on doing good luck in the future what eve you decide to do xx

  7. On the bright side you have got 5 A*-C grades. Maybe you should consider requesting a remark of you D tests. However you should also ask your college or sixth form about the a levels you chose. - Send me what A levels your are doing and the subjects you had each grade in.

  8. A Credit is a DiDA qualification, I got one too, it's equivalent to a B :)

    If you've failed (I mean below a C) maths then the best option would be to retake it, at some colleges they let you do a pre-advanced programme where you can do a year of GCSEs, or you could do a btec or a vocational diploma? You only need E's or D's to get into those usually!!

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