
My GF and I are flying out from SNA to SFO to JFK. All she has is a school ID is this acceptable to board?

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She is 18 and just graduated but she looks really young, (People say she looks 14 or younger) do you think she can board or should we go get an ID card from the DMV, we are leaving the 30th, will we get the ID in time?




  1. She must have one of the following to pass through security and board the plane.

  2. she should have a driver liscense

  3. she needs to have a legal state id or drivers license or they wont let her board with you.

  4. Doubt she would get it in time....the tricky thing is one gate agent may accept  (SCHOOL ID) it at one airport and another may not. Tough call.

    California ID and California DL are two different things. Of course she does not need a divers license but she should always have a California ID. If she does not have either of those or a passport looks like you will be traveling SOLO buddy.

  5. Actually, effective June 21, the TSA altered their ruling.  

    If you don't have government ID or lose your ID, you should arrive at the security checkpoint early and explain the situation to the officer at the document-checking station.

    You'll be asked to fill out a form, including your full name and address, which officials will check against publicly available databases. If necessary, local police and TSA behavior-detection officers will interview you, and you might have to undergo additional screening.

    They're saying it shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes.

  6. I work for an airline. Anyone 18 and over needs a government ID.

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