
My GF just changed her hairstyle. I dont like really like it. Should i tell her the truth?

by Guest57916  |  earlier

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My GF jus changed her hairstyle. It use to be long and dark brown and i loved it that way. Now its black and shorter, and im not to fond of it, should i tell her how i really feel about it? lol i dont want her to be mad at me for not liking it. But i dont want to lie to her. Men let me know from experience, women, whats the right thing to do?




  1. Whoa!

    She changed her hair colour for her, not for you.  She will seek approval from you, but she basically changed it for her.

    Should you let her know YOU don't like the hair style?  IN NO WAY SHOULD YOU TELL HER DIRECTLY.  If and only if she asks, should you say something.  Do not lie, but be subtle.  Say something like, "I loved your old style, and I am getting used to the new you." Or you could say that you love her, you love her nose, you love her eyes, you love her smile, you love the smell of her hair, etc with avoiding telling her that you don't like her hair.

    What is a bit of your pride when it comes to her confidence?  Remember, she changed her hair for herself, otherwise she would have consulted you.  I would be more interested in why she changed her hair rather than how I felt about the looks.

  2. keep your opinions to yourself, unless you want to make her your ex gf !!!

       Now that her hairs cut there's not much she can do, she probably had second thoughts too, but it's kind of useless, after the fact.

       Besides, she probably won't get the same style next time.  When she does change the colour or style that you do like, make enough fuss or compliment her more than usual so she notices and remembers your preferences.

        But i wouldn't say anything right now, when she is ready for a new look, that is the time to tell her which one you favored the most, at that point you can also tell her you did not like this one, but not while it's new or she likes it.

  3. You should tell her the truth if she asked you to tell her the honest truth!  But if she didn't as you if you liked it wait until she asks.

  4. nah dont crush her spirit like that

    most likely, she got it soo you'd think shes more pretty soo i guess just deal with it

    unless u find it completely hideous, simply tell her u loved her old hair style

    hoped that helps

  5. don't tell her you don't like it, but make hidden comments about how you loved her old hair, that way she'll hopefully get the hint and grow it back out

  6. tell her you like it,but then don't be like,"your old hair was great."or she'll know you dont like it

  7. are you on medication or just too young to know any better?

    you could possibly have a death wish of course in which case there must be a very steep cliff close by or deep water---iether option would be less painfull.

  8. no dont tell her, i did the exact same thing ur gf did, n my bf saw it n he said that he liked it but always made fun it of it but i didnt mind bcuz i loved him, so i just made fun of his hair back (: but he didnt mind neither

  9. If you dont like it now youre gonna have to look at it for a long time unless you tell her..

    Just say I think your hair would be really cute like.....

    By the way: Stop Being So Shallow!

  10. em no i wldnt coz its not ur head ur not wearing the hair nd if she likes it and is happy then u shld be too......i mean girls are very touchy about there hair nd they like to experiment so it cld be jus a phase jus tell her how gorgeous she looks nd say like wow u look gorgeous with short and long hair how luky am i........nd jus drop comment about how u loved to run ur hands thru her ong hair.....but jus remember wen guys get  strange hairdo girls normaly bite there tongues nd sy u look sext even if they hate it js to make u i wldnt risk having an argumen over it as long as ur nice about it im sure it will be fine...if my b.f sed to me i love ur hair now but i preferd it wen it was longer i wld be like oh ok nd grow it if i wanted to...i wldnt be offended


  12. tell her the truth, but first tell her you loved her old hairdoo.

  13. You can be honest, but be tactful.  You don't want to hurt her feelings intentionally.  I wouldn't say anything if you haven't been asked about it.  When asked, tell her that you don't like it as much as you liked her previous hairstyle.  You loved her hair long and it's just your opinion that the new style isn't as flattering.  You're not coming right out and saying you hate it but you are expressing that you don't like it compared to how it was before.  And obviously, you should tell her that if she likes the new style, that's great because you want her to be happy and feel good about herself.

    Honestly, that's the kind of response that I would prefer if I ask a guy his honest opinion.  It's just an opinion.  And just because I'm dating someone doesn't mean he must share my opinion.

  14. Tell her you love it. Then kind of mention how hot she looked with the long dark brown hair. Don't say anything bad about the new hairstyle, just mention (only occasionally) how you loved the old style.

  15. Only if you want her pissed off at you

  16. Tell her she looks beautiful either way, but as her preferred the old hairstyle better.  

  17. if she asks you and you guys have a trustworthy and honest relationship( which you should) then yes.But if she gets easily offensive just say I liked your old look better now I have to get accustom tot his one or something like that

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