
My GF wants a baby but im married good idea?

by  |  earlier

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ive been having an affair for 2 years now because my wife was in a car accident and has real bad back pain sometimes she needs a wheelchair and this has made our s*x life non existent , no amount of pestering or guilt will make her have s*x , so i started an affair with a s**y co worker who made it obvious she wanted me bad , problem is my gf wants a child and tells me that she loves me all the time ,i tell her i love her too but its only because the s*x is good , she wants me to leave my wife , but i never will because she would divorce me and take have my belongings and the house ,how can i get rid of my gf she keeps saying she will tell my wife, do you think she will tell??is there a female form of viagra i maybe could give to my wife?? very confused and upset about the whole situation




  1. I don't think you are going to get a lot of sympathy here.

    You are cheating on your wife AND you are cheating your g/f, saying you love her when you don't.

    Therefore she has unrealistic expectations of her relationship with you, as you said you love her, so naturally she might think you will leave your wife and have a baby with her.

    Is your wife simply a s*x object?

    Have you stopped loving her because she doesn't have s*x with you?

    Can you understand that s*x would be painful due to her injury.

    Have you thought of ways to satisfy your s*x urge that don't have to be so physical.

    Your callous reason for not wanting to leave your wife as you will have to split your belongings is despicable.

    You should call it off with your g/f and stop leading her on and allow her to pursue a relationship with someone who truly loves her.

    Should she blow the whistle on you to your wife, too bad, your wife deserves better.

  2. You should have left your wife or discussed an open relationship with her first. You either need to confess what you have done to your wife or hope that your girlfriend won't actually tell on you. It sounds like the baby is a way to pry you away from your wife. Something is going to break soon, but you only have one way to control the outcome.

    By the way, this is going to hurt your wife for many years to come when she finds out.  

  3. You are a bad person - your wife has had a very bad accident and yet you pester her to have s*x and then use this as an excuse to ahve an affair??  Divorce your wife and give her everything - she deserves it for putting up with you and don't have any kids - it does not sound like you want one and are prepared to take reposonsibility for your actions

  4. Wow. I really at first was just speechless, now I'm just disgusted. You are absolute scum to have cheated on your wife in the first place. If you loved her at all it wouldn't of crossed your mind to cheat on her just so you could get a little pleasure. Your wife is a saint in my eyes to have to go through the things she has after being in that accident and also having to put up with you! I hope she finds out and divorces your sick self! You deserve to have no one!

  5. Im not goona lie, I think what you have done is awful, but what is done is done. Sit your girlfriend down look her in the eye and tell her that you only want whats best for both her and your wife. Suggest a short break just to sort everything out and if she agrees do your level best to get her set up with som1 else before she wants you back.

  6. Jackass. Good God, why couldn't YOU be the one with real bad back pain that makes s*x painful?

  7. I agree with the above.

    - Dump the girlfriend.

    - Have a serious conversation with your wife about s*x; I bet she  misses it too.  

    You have to make a decision about what is most important to you: s*x or possessions? Because in this situation you cannot have both.

    Of course you might like to consider just for moment, THE EFFECT ON YOUR WIFE.

    Or you could have a kid you don't want with the girlfriend, and then you can embroil an innocent child in this mess too.

    God I don't know why I'm even bothering to answer this question. I predict your future will be full of troubles. Well done.

  8. your the biggest sack of s**t ive come across ..

  9. Pestering and guilt is not seducing your wife?? Really? Sounds like a massive turn on to me.

    You are such a selfish person, all you care about is your d**k and what you could lose, what these women see in you I do not know.

    After your behaviour you deserve to be alone and to be honest, if I was your wife I'd take you for everything you've got... you'd be lucky to get 10% let alone half of everything! What ever happened to "for better or worse"?? You made these promises to your wife and at the time when she needed you the most you have committed the ultimate betrayal and slept with someone else. Also you've taken advantage of your co worker, you've led her on, made her fall in love with her and now you are complaining when the relationship YOU have created has run its natural course. My advice to you is simple... GO CRAWL BACK UNDER THE ROCK YOU CAME FROM!!

    ** EDIT

    From the looks of your previous questions I'd say you've made this question up... in which case you are one VERY sick puppy!!

  10. Oh wow! You're a complete an utter arsehole! and you don't even realise it do you!

  11. No amount of pestering or guilt, huh?

    I think you gotta a bad case of karma............enjoy!!!!!!!

  12. scumbag

  13. Wow. That is really horrible for your wife. Well just having an affair for s*x was a mistake because at some point you are going to have to get rid of someone.

    I wont go on about the mistakes you've made because you obviously need help.

    The only option is to get rid of the girlfriend and tell your wife yourself. If she finds out from anyone else it will make it SO much worse!!

    If you had a child with your girlfriend your wife is sure to find out and as you said you would lose everything.

    I see no other alternatives for you. Such a pickle you have yourself in.

  14. Seems to me that u r not telling ur gf the truth. If u r with her just for s*x, be frank and tell her ur not ready for marriage, if she refuses, stop the relationship immediately. As for ur wife, take her for counselling, she needs to understand that ur married and some needs cannot be sidelined. Give her ur support and respect! Imagine if it were u in that situation, would u have let her have s*x with another man??

  15. At first, I was mad at you....very mad..

    Now all I feel is pity.

  16. It is natural to want to do as many girls as possible so when one comes on to you its only natural to want to do her as well. So keep up the good work and if possible get rid of your wife, sounds lilke she cant do what a good wife should anyway so find lots more women.  

  17. strange the situations that we get ourselves into isn't it? having a baby with the g/f isn't a great idea at all mate. it will bring your world crashing down around you faster than you can say 'nappy'. Women want what women want and regardless of what they may say on here when they read this, 'they will do whatever it takes to get it'.

    she wants the baby so that you will be hers and she will take no time at all in rubbing that straight up the nose of your wife.

    she will definately, definately tell your wife so you have to figure out a way to get shot of her, especially as you admit that it's only the s*x that keeps you there.

    the only sure way and even that not 100%, is for her to find someone else, even if you have to engineer it. That way, she feels guilty and she leaves you and your wife alone by avoidance.

    it sounds sly but you have to do something concrete or she is going to blow your world wide open.

    As for your wife? I feel for your situation but you have to work on it. None of this is her fault by the sound of it and you could work harder at your married life which in turn would give her a more loving feeling and possibly rekindle the fire that you are looking for. Remember that women do not have to know for sure that something is wrong, they can just sense it so possibly the fact that you are sh4gging around, is making her not want to be very loving.

    it's not all one sided buddy and although i do understand because iv'e been there or somewhere very similar, i reckon that you need to give your good wife some 'lovin'.

    it's probably not a very nice answer to some people but it's the truth. ugly, but the truth. Get shot of the plaything.

  18. You should divorce your wife, she deserves to be treated better and yes she will get half of everything that is yours but not all of it and i think that you know that after what shes been through that it would be more than fair. You can get somewhere new to live and then do whatever you want. I think that, perhaps, from all the other answers you have received on here that you can now probably see that you have done something very wrong but even though you have acted in this manner there is no reason why you should be unhappy in your marriage. All you need to do no is take the RIGHT steps to be happy. Tell your wife but do it in the most sensitive way that you can. Get rid of the 's*x is great' GF as you are leading her on by telling her you love her when you dont as she could be with someone who wants her for more than just s*x. Then get a divorce and move out, you can then start life with a clean slate.  

  19. People like you deserve ****.

    Glad you got what you deserved. :)

  20. I wont feel bad for you if your gf tells your wife that u were cheating and then your wife dumps or divorce  you .

  21. You are the dirt beneath my feet!

    If I knew your Wife, I would tell her what you have been doing and then she could take you to the "cleaners" and you and your "bunny boiler" could live in h**l together

  22. Rule number one... never sleep with anyone from work, it leeds to situations like the one you're in.  What ever you do don't get her pregnant, that would be a very stupid move.  Just break it off.

  23. i don't believe you.

    the more you pressure your wife the less she'll want s*x.

    sack the girlfriend - be careful she might trick you into having a baby

    how can your wife take all of the house and belongings? if you're married it'll be 50/50

    you lie

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