
My GR has gone really quiet since coming back from the kennels...?

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We left him in a kennel, which he has been in before, and he is used to, for 2 weeks when we went on holiday. When we got him back the kennel guy said he was fine in the kennels, but he is really quiet, and doesnt bark as much (even though thats kind of a good thing).

What do you thinks wrong with him? Any illness or anything? or just the routine of barking all day to no prevail, so remaining quiet now. Do you think he will return to normal?? Plus he has a little sniff/cold, which should go away soon right??

Thanks for any answers




  1. kennel cough maybe did he have the vaccination before going there?

  2. Dogs don't get colds or sniffles, so if your dog isn't acting normal, he should be checked by the vet to find out what's going on with him.  While the not barking is a good thing, I'd be worried about physical symptoms and get them checked out.

  3. he is just upset with you about you leaving him. just leave him a few more days then he should come round if he doesn't then take him to the vets. they will know better.  

  4. He could be still sulking because you left him. He could be in a mood. Try not to worry he will come round eventually.

    He could be feeling under-the-weather with a cold or something. He could be missing the company and noise of the other dogs.

  5. I've seen this behavior in dogs we have groomed.  This is not an absolute, so please don't take it as such, but usually when we see a dog's behavior change to lethargy, skittishness, or aggression,  it turns out they recently had a bad experience either in a boarding kennel or another groom shop.

    There is a particular groomer in my town who abuses dogs, and when we see dogs come in after a break from us acting strangely, we ask the owners where the dog was groomed last.  9 times out of 10 they'll say the last groomer was that one.  (They're a very popular groom shop due to low prices and a lot of advertising, unfortunately.)

    Just be kind to your dog, and encourage him to play and act normally.  He should return to normal fairly soon.  Good luck!

  6. My dog is normally subdued for a few days when we get back from holiday and she has been left with relatives. I think she is just regaining her bearings a bit. Dogs like routine - even though he has been in the kennel before, it is still a change in his normal routine with you.  

  7. Was he vaccinated for kennel cough before he went to the kennel?  The bordetella vaccine is not 100% effective, and usually takes 2-5 days to develop any reliable protection. Kennels are usually climate controlled, so the change in temperature/humidity can bring on a sniffle.   If his sniffle progresses to any coughing or nasal/eye discharge that is bright yellow or green, talk to your vet.

    Any kennel can be stressful on a dog, even the best ones.  Dogs tend to bark more there, the food is different, smells, activity, etc.  He may be tired from his experience there, like a jet-lag type exhaustion.  Give him a day or to to reacclimate himself to being home, and he should perk up again.    If he still seems overly subdued after a few days, again, call your vet.

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