
My Gelding Will NOT put wieght on!

by  |  earlier

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Ok SO my thoroughbred gelding is very skinny... and he refuses to gain weight, I started him on panacure wormer witch is 50 grams a day for 5 days! He gets 1 scoop of sweet feed and 1 scoop of seminole high efficancy! But yet he gets ridden and jumped atleast 2-3 times a week. Am i doing enough for my horse? If not give me some tips! thanks!




  1. You need to get a vet to check him out. He might have a thyroid problem, in which case he will not gain the weight and will just get worse.

    If he is too skinny, you might have to stop riding for his own good, untill you've worked out the problem. Riding a very underweight horse is highly dangerous to the horse.

    Have you looked into his rating on a body condition scale:

    1. Poor ; Animal extremely emaciated. Spinous processes, ribs, tailhead, tuber coxae and ischii projecting prominently. Bone structure of withers, shoulders and neck easily noticeable. No fatty tissue can be felt

    2. Very thin ; Animal emaciated. Slight fat covering over base of spinous processes, transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae feel rounded. Spinous processes, ribs, tailhead, tuber coxae and ischii prominent. Withers, shoulders and neck structures faintly discernable

    3. Thin ; Fat build up about halfway on spinous processes, transverse processes cannot be felt. Slight fat cover over ribs. Spinous processes and ribs easily discernable. Tailhead prominent, but individual vertebrae cannot be visually identified. Tuber coxae appear rounded, but easily discernable. Tuber ischii not distinguishable. Withers, shoulders and neck accentuated

    4. Moderately thin ; Negative crease along back. Faint outline of nbs thin discernable. Tailhead prominence depends on con formation, fat can be felt around it. Tuber coxae not discernable. Withers, shoulders and neck not obviously thin

    5. Moderate ; Back level. Ribs cannot be visually distinguished but can be easily felt. Fat around tailhead beginning to feel spongy. Withers appear rounded over spinous processes. Shoulders and neck blend smoothly into body

    This might help us get an idea of just how underweight he is

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