
My German Shepherd puppy bites my 3 year old daughter, what should i do?

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I bought this 4 month GDS puppy 2 weeks ago, since it has bit my daughter twice (snappy bites) plus is harassing my 2 cats. I thought to get her a muzzle and then thought to take it back to the breeder, I'm a bit confused I like it at the same time, what should i do?




  1. we have a german shepard, getting on in age now, but when it was a pup it used to bite me, but my dad bit her ear, its the best thing to do, Shows yours ranking above them.  

  2. Be sterilised.

    let's face don't give a stuff about your daughter do you?

  3. you need to train the puppy don't let the dog bit your daughter don't leave the dog alone with your daughter take your dog for training .

  4. Puppies don't always do well with young children.   Something about a childs fast jerky movements make them nervous.   I personally would have waited until your daughter was atleast 6 or 7 but since you didn't I would enroll this dog into obedience class.   Also I'm not sure but I've heard of GSDs not doing well with cats but I'm not sure.    Classes will do wonders for this pup   I would recommend it even if this was a poodle.  I think all pups would benefit from a basic 6 week puppy class.   good luck

    Add:  I saw someone say that this breed is naturally agressive.   I just want to say to everyone that NO DOG IS AGRESSIVE BY NATURE.    Any dog can become agressive but no dog is born agressive.

  5. Tell it to stop LOL

  6. Take her back or find her a suitable home. You either need to find a dog who is known to be good with young children (and it's probably not going to be a 4-month old puppy), or wait until your daughter is older before you get a dog. This can end very badly.

  7. Shes 4 months old mate, you have probably only had her 6 weeks or so she needs time to settle in. There was nothing vicious in her nipping your daughter, at 4 months old is just play to her. As for her harassing cats, well dogs do that and she will continue to do so until she realises their part of the "pack", the novelty will wear off. Start training, Go to puppy classes, get her socialised with other dogs you need to teach her whats acceptable and whats not. GSD are easy to train and they respond well to it. Put the effort in and you will have a great dog, If you dont your gonna have a big problem. You dont want to be around an un--trained GSD. Remember shes still a pup, let her be a pup first and don't expect miracles overnight.

  8. all puppys are like that. my 11 week old retriever does that to me. well she doesnt snap but she will bite you. ask the breeder for advice or get a trainer in to help you

  9. Either get it enrolled in a good training class as soon as possible or take it back. Well bred German Shepherds are wonderful with children - if the children are wonderful with them!  German Shepherds are very mouthy as pups, they also play roughly and need a lot of firm training before they stop being hooligans. You don't say how old your daughter is, but small children have a habit of waving their arms around & puppies think this is an invitation to play - which means play biting to a 4 month old.

    All puppies harass cats - until they are trained not to, either by their human or by the cats themselves.

  10. It is really rare for a 4 month old puppy to be viscous.  If he is only 4 months old, I would think he might be teething.    Another thing to look into is the possibility of your daughter(because she is so young) teasing the dog when you are not looking.    The dog and cats will get used to each other after more time passes and they get adjusted, cats have no problem getting away from dogs, so I wouldn't worry about them.

    Give the puppy lots of things to chew on(bully stick are  my favorite, and maybe try and play with him more to get more energy out.

    A muzzle is not a good idea to put on a puppy that I am 100% sure at 4 months old isn't viscous.   He/she might be if you start doing something like that.

  11. Well, it seems to me that you have not done your homework before buying the GSD pup.

    1. I would assume that the 4 months pup has not gone through what we trainers call "Socialization" which is critical in puppies life, yet, it is not too late if you go to socialization classes and take the dog to different places and meet with dogs, people and kids. (do some reading on how dogs learn).

    2. Kids need to be taught how do handle puppies and what is allowed or forbidden like pulling the tail, ears, touching the muzzle etc. You need to do a lot of reading or go to training classes ASAP.

    3. DO NOT PUT A MUZZLE on the pup, this is literally cruelty, he is like a kid and need to be handled as such.

    4. Obedience Training classes will put this little guy on track and teach you how to handle a GSD.

    5. Keep in mind that GSD will need a lot of exercise so you better decide very quickly whether this kind of dog fits your life stile. And if not please please find him a proper home immediately before he gets all messed up he is in a critical age that will affect him to the rest of his life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Cat - he is not harassing, he is trying to play, it is the cats that are not used to a dog in the house. It is difficult for me to give you advise from distance, you MUST get a good trainer to integrate the pup into your family.

    Trust me, if you do the training right, GSD can be a wonderful friend and will watch your daughter  from being hurt. I had three of them and (not all at once) and one of them when my son was little watched him from crawling into the ocean while we where seating on the beach. We could trust the dog as a life guard, they are awesome dogs.

    I hope this helps.

    If you happen to be in NH then I can do the job with you. Call me 603.791.4247 ask for Gil.

  12. what on earth made you decide on getting a german shepherd? with a young child you should have done more home work on the breed first they are one of the most intelligent breeds you can get but need a h**l of a lot of time and exercise. take it back for your sake and the puppies.  

  13. It sounds like he does'nt yet no his place in the pack, you need to make it very clear he is the lowesest member by correcting him as soon as he nips. You can does this a few different ways, thou the best way i've found (owned gsd all my life) is the moment he nips go straight to him push him down by the back of the neck (not to hard as to hurt him) and say no in a stern voice and repeat this every time until he gets the messege it's not acceptable. Failing that you could also introduce time out by putting him straight in his crate or in another room by his self for a short period of time. good luck.

  14. He's a puppy.  He needs discipline.  Puppies bite when they play and most will harass cats.  If you already have issue with him after 2 weeks and for some reason think he's "aggressive" puppy then you should give him back.  For his sake.

  15. You need to do some research on puppies first of all. This is a normal behavior for a puppy as it will be teething and until they understand that it is not okay to nip they will do so. Remember they do not have hands so this is their only way of being able to touch things. If it nips at your daughter you can simply use a "deep" voice to tell the dog "no no, get a toy!" and put a chew toy in its mouth. As it gets older it will learn if it wants to play it will go get a toy. Also if the puppy is being "snappy" with your daughter make sure she is not instigating it from the dog. Ie, playing to rough/ hurting/ distressing the dog. As for the cats you will again have to teach the dog that its not okay to harass the cats. Look up someone called Cesar Millan. Watch some videos on the problems you are having and TRUST ME it will fix your puppy. Remember patience!    

  16. Either take it to a training school / Teach it not to x

  17. shoot the mutt before it scars her for life jezuus get a brain them dogs are killers and you wanna let your 3 year old play with it . i,m embarrassed for your question  

  18. Honestly our puppy was the same at 4 months but you have to nip it in the bud. Puppies are far better for children in the long run than an adult dog that comes in who really you know nothing about and can turn at any trigger.

    I would suggest nipping down to Morrisons or somewhere and getting a cheap baking tray. The flat type. If you have laminate floor then drop it or if not get two and bang them together every time the dog does something you don't like. It took our puppy 3 days to understand she doens't like the tray noise and she stopped just like that. Now she just has to hear the word tray and zooms off!!

    As for the cats I would suggest the puppy will calm down. We were the same and now she is 9 months old and touches noses with the female cat. The male cat though and her are still daggers drawn. Make sure the cats have a safe place to sit escape to!

    And I would suggest some basic training.

    Good luck

    Oh yeah and don't listen to the other people at the top. All puppies bite and GDS are some of the most loyal affectionate breeds if they are trained properly. It takes time. Dont fret.

  19. by all means, return to the breeder,, you obviously did not do your homework,, shepherds are herders,, and can be quite mouthy,, so unless you are willing to devote much time and energy into properly training your dog,, it will only get worse.... dogs NEED to be trained and shepherds are strong dogs

  20. My dog used to do the same to my daughters when my dog was a puppy, she doesn't do it anymore after i trainned "NO biting!" then my dog turned into really great to kids.  if ur puppy knows " no " common then she will soon learn..

    Never leave ur children alone with puppy till you are 100% trust ur puppy to not do it

  21. You should discourage all biting - even playful bites - by yelping at it!

    4 month old GSDs are very boisterous and try to take charge of everything. This will continue for the rest of their life if you don't make it clear that you are the dominant Alpha in the household!

    Everytime it snaps or gets at all 'out of line' with your daughter, you should put it in a seperate room. He/She will gradually learn that if they don't play nicely, they don't get to play!

    I really recommend joining a German Shepherd forum - is full of friendly people - and asking for advice. Only people who really know the breed can advise you on this matter.

  22. Take it back before your daughter becomes another statistic of a dog attack.  If you want a dog, wait until she is a few years older, and get a child-friendly dog.  Cocker spaniels are good, though behave like a naughty child!

  23. German Shepard's are naturally aggressive dogs and not suitable for a 3 yr old. it could just be being a puppy you could take it to puppy training class though u might not want to rise it, maybe you should take it back to the breeders.

  24. when a pup is bought anywhere after the age of 10 wks and had never left the site of his mom or littermates they are what we breeders know as them becoming dog social,they have good interaction with their canine companions but are not social with humans and will have trouble with them interacting with humans,whether it's a child or adult. If you want and have the time you need to desentisize him with a lot of patience if you don't have the know how either get a professional obedience instructor or get another puppy between the ages of 6- 8 wks so he can form a bond with humans but will also be balanced with other animals.feel free to contact me if you need further info.

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