
My Girl friend just broke up with me..and I want her back. ?

by  |  earlier

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She said she doesn't want to have any type of contact with me what so ever. She seemed really mad...we both said alot of hurtful things....but..she is on her period...and..the night before she told me she loved me....what do you think I should do?....I really think she's leaving me this time........and for more detail, we are in a long distance relation ship. Help!!




  1. o well it seems like you 2 need to just break it off anyway long distance relationships never work everybody knows that n maybe she's just confused and doesn't know wat she really wants so let her breath you can always still be friends with each other.

  2. As a brilliant man once can't always get what you want.

    Leave her alone, you sound like a stalker.  Just move on with your life.  There is no pain you cannot live with in time.

  3. .,hmm..

    .,just tell her what you feel..

    .,and show to her that you really love her..

    .,do a thing that you're sure  will make him happy and touched..

  4. i think it would be best for you two to break up and move on with your lives. i know that it may be a hard thing to do but in this situation, its probably the best. tell her how you feel and say you think that it would just be best to find other people.

    good luck.

  5. She could like someone else. If she started the fight, I recommend that you don't keep fighting with her and say that you're ending it because it's starting to get stupid. If not, she might have a mood swing or what not. If she still doesn't want to talk to you after she is "calm", break up with her because long distance relationships never really work out in the long run.

  6. she'll come bak if she lovez the mean time do some research on her......may be she likes some 1 else

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