
My Girlfriend cheated on me, how do I get over this?

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2 days ago I found out my girlfriend cheated on me and I really cant cope. She met some guy called Joe who she knew a few years ago and slept with him that night. She was also constantly texting an ringing him in the days that followed and she planned to meet him again behind my back. I don't know how to deal with this as I loved her so much and always let her know that, she also told me she loved me everyday. I don't know what to do, part of me wants her back as I cant stop thinking about her but in my head i know we can never be together again as I could never trust her. I don't know whether I should get my own back, hurt this guy or just deal with how much she has hurt me and walk away. If anyone has been through this, how did you get over this? What did you do? Oh and before I found this out I was planning to propose to her.




  1. Knowing the character of women are nowadays it probably won't be the last time a girlfriend cheats on you. Get over it...move on!

  2. go here....they will teach you how to avoid falling for liars and cheats:

  3. Well at least you found out before you married her...Just let it go revenge is sweet but it gives you bad karma....

  4. sorry to hear what you're going through-it's rough, i've been there (with an ex-boyfriend).

    it will hurt for a while but MOVE ON. take it day by day but start the healing process. do things you enjoy (take a walk, go on a hike, see a movie,etc). if you haven't already-remove her from your life completely-this means throw out any pictures, gifts,etc and delete her number from your phone. if she calls or texts you-ignore her.

    the more you focus on getting past it, the better you'll start to feel. if you run into her by chance, act like things are good in your life and don't look or sound upset.

    once that trust has been broken, you'll never get it back and if you were to take her back, she'll be under the impression that she cheated on you once and got away with it-what's to say she can't do it again. you don't want her getting that message from you.

    she obviously didn't love or care for you the way you did her. she doesn't deserve the ring you were going to give her or the blessing of having you in her life forever.

    move on hon. it will take some time but you'll look back on this someday and be so glad you didnt take her cheating @$$ back.

    good luck!!

  5. Once the trust has been broken between two people its very hard to get over it - I personally wouldnt trust your girlfriend again if I were you - she committed the ultimate crime by sleeping with him and then planning to meet him again. I thin you know yourself that shes done a permanent damage between ye and I honestly think the right move for you is to leave her for good.

    Easier said than done I know - but can you live with wondering where your girlfriend is with and what shes doing every time shes out without you?


  6. Ok, so, I know you're in love and all, but why would you want to be in love with someone who would even think about anyone other than you? That's what you deserve! Someone who thinks only of you and that would never think about cheating on you. You will need time to heal and it will be hard for you but I really think you should let it go.

  7. The best thing to do is walk away.  My ex and i were together for three years.  From junior year in hs to the end of freshman year of college.  Right after graduation, i found out he cheated on me twice in hs, and broke up with him, we got back together and he cheated on me first semester of college, still stayed with him, and after we broke up he told me he cheated on me with this girl that i hated near the end of second semester.  So yea, I was blinded by love and took him back, and he still did it again and again.  So yea, i may be a dumbass, but once a cheater always a cheater.

  8. Wow, thats really awful, especially as you were planning to propose to her. To be honest, i think she has hurt you so much and betrayed your trust so much, that if you guys did get back together, there would be no way it would last. There would be too much of a trust issue because i think that you're quite shocked she could have done this to you. I think you need to cut all contact with your girlfriend and take time to get over it, heal and get closure. Then try and rebuild your life. At the end of the day, she slept with this guy and then after she was calling and texting him and wanted to meet up again So you cant put this down to a stupid drunken one night stand that was a mistake and that wont happen again. You need to have some respect for yourself and say enough is enough. Dont be walked on, you can do better! Find someone who treats you right and you can put your trust in!

  9. First of all im sorry to hear this happened to you. Ive been there too and its an awful feeling.

    I felt the same as you, i still wantes him because i loved him but i know deep down that i wouldnt be able to trust him again.

    I went back to him a couple times and slept with him but each time I knew thats all he wanted. The last time i slept with him I could tell myself that I was worth so much more than that and i deserved to be treated the way I treated him.....with respect and honesty. And he wouldnt give me this.

    Its the hardest thing to walk away from the person you love but its definatley the best thing to do. It took me 6 months to get over him but im glad i did finally realise that he wasnt what i wanted.

    I hope you make the right decision for yourself and dont let her hurt you again.

    Do whats best for you.

    Good luck, my heart goes out to you. x

  10. my gf did the same to me last xmas.

    she started to chatting to an old friend of hers. started blowing me off to meet this friend instead then 1 day i found out she had cheated on me with him.

    i went mental!! until i found it she hadnt slept with him only kissed so i was able to forgive her. but made sure she knew if she so much as looked at another guy again she wud be out the door so fast she wudnt know what was happening!!!

    u need to talk to her dude!! find out why she did it! was she bored?! is she in love with him?1 did she do it to hurt u?!

    if u still have feelings for her its worth trying to sort it out. if not forget it an move on.. go out find another girl u can trust!! that will hurt her more than given this joe a beating!!

  11. Its only been 2 days but you have to try really hard to let it go- otherwise your bad feelings will get a whole lot worse before you feel better- the best way to get your own back is to cut all contact, move on so fast that she gets offended that you don't care anymore.of course you will probably still have feelings just make sure she thinks that you don't! go out have some fun and forget no time you will have actually moved on!

    never go back to a cheat-you will find someone way better !

  12. You just have to move on.  Sometimes people get so caught up in what they think is love that they forget that not all people are always interested in that.  Maybe she was just using you.  Try to find someone more faithful.  

  13. Dude, get over her. she is Not worth it. let her be happy and when she craws back slam the door in her face. in the mean time escape ur frustration with a good book. it helped for me and i even pick up my love for reading.  

  14. I believe that you should find someone else that respects you.  However, give it sometime.  Your heart needs to heal because if not, you will tend to think that the next woman that you are involved with will do the same thing.  Never, never make the mistake of thinking that all women will cheat.  Focus on your needs and what matters most to you and then move on.  I wish you the best of luck.

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