
My Girlfriend is Killing me .. Should I break Up with her ?? ?

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Look , My GF is wonderful person and I love her so much , but she has somethings that bothers me alot , and if she doesn't change them I'll break up with her .. First of all , she always tell me about her ex-boyfriends , and how she loved them , and she's even in contact with one right this while , they talk on the phone and stuff , now I asked her , that if she loves me she must let him go , and NEVER talk to him again , well , she said ok , but I found out that she's still talking to him .. Secondly , she always try to tease me , everything I hate she does ... Thirdly and thats the most important , she thinks that she is always right watever is the subject ,and I'm wrong .. and that I hate the most , well , she says she loves me ... and I do so , but I'm not comfortable with her ... should I break up with her , or give her a chance maybe she changes a lil bit ... Please share Opinions ..




  1. Everyone has what they call "Deal Breakers" when it comes to relationships.  If you cannot see yourself living with some of these things and or living the rest of your life with them then you need to leave.  Loving her is one thing, but you cannot expect them to change.  You must love their good and faults to be happy.  

  2. if shes killing u then yea u need better

  3. Look hun, thats how girls act when they ae immature, There is a chance she could grow up, i think you should sit down with her and tell her how you truly feel and bout all of it,  and if she dont stop, tell her you need a break and she really loves you she will change for you

  4. Only you can really decide this one, but maybe if you ask yourself a few questions it'll help you make that decision.

    1.  Are you happy with her most of the time, or upset with her most of the time?

    2.  Do you feel you deserve more respect and kindess from her?

    3.  Do you feel that you're being put in an "emotional 3rd class section"?

    4.  If her behavior continues, can you still see yourself with her 5 years down the road?

    I'm sure your honest answers to these questions will lead you in the right direction.  Have a brutally honest conversation with her....tell her what you need for her and that if she doesn't work with you on it then you'll just have to move on.  Don't waste much time, you deserve better.

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